Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Invisible Children

Last night, I sat and watched 3 different videos about the Invisible Children of Uganda. I had Mikaelyn watch them with me, and although part way through I questioned whether these were appropriate for her to be watching, the reality is that this is REAL life!! As difficult and sad as it is to watch the terribly difficult life these young children have to live, if I were to not allow her to learn and understand what is going on in Uganda, I would be just another person turning a blind eye therefore validating that these are "Invisible Children".
I REFUSE to turn that blind eye and that is WHY I am going to Uganda. No matter how difficult the circumstances may be and how hard it will be to actually experience these type of situations, one person CAN make a difference and I'm going to do what ever I can to be that one person. I believe that my teammates are 6 others that feel the same way.
If you don't know what or WHO these Invisible Children are, you NEED to!! Go to www.invisiblechildren.com and take a few minutes to think about what YOU can do to help.
I couldn't sleep last night, not because of nightmares, but because I was so disturbed by my selfishness and the poverty that surrounds our country and what LITTLE we do about it.
I pray that this trip will change me in a way that I can't imagine because I have SO much and I don't appreciate it...and I NEED TO!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another great organization working with these children in northern Uganda is ChildVoice International. They work with girls who were abducted and raped, and then escaped either pregnant or with children born in captivity. They provide a place of refuge for these girls who are often not welcomed back to their communities with their "bush babies". Learn more at www.childvoiceintl.org.
