Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Happy" Valentine's Day??

It's the day when you're supposed to tell the person you love, how MUCH you love them. I've never really understood WHY they would make up such a day. Shouldn't you constantly be telling that person how much you love them? I think so, personally.

Well, today is like any other day to me. Things at home are not really all the great right now, so I've actually been dreading this day...It's one of those days that if you're single, it becomes VERY clear how SINGLE you are. If you're in a relationship, you get treated like a queen for a day (or at least you should be...but refer back to what I said a few lines should ALWAYS be treated this way). If you're in a relationship and they DON'T treat you like a queen, then you're disappointed. This day has all the makings of a very difficult day for a lot of people, but a wonderful day for others.

Today, Mikaelyn is my Valentine. We made cupcakes last night for her Daddy and then also for Auntie Heather and her boyfriend Oliver. She brought Valentine's to school this past week, which was a first for us. I think we're going to go to visit our kitties that we gave to a new home a few months back, Chloe & Capri. We haven't been to see them since we gave them to the other family because I didn't want to bother them and didn't know if my emotions could take it. But Mikaelyn has been asking about them a lot lately and I've been missing them a lot, so we're just going to go bring them some treats and give them some love. Then the rest of the day is up in the air. We've got church tomorrow, where I'm helping lead worship and then a Uganda meeting after that. We're supposed to go to dinner with Anthony for Valentine's Day (he works tonight, as usual), but we'll see if that I said, it's been a rough week.

So, for those of you with Valentine, congrats and I hope you're treated like the Queen/King you are and for those of you without a Valentine...enjoy your day and have fun with some friends.

And don't's just another day! xoxo

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