Friday, July 3, 2009

Born Again!

Yesterday, July 2, 2009 was a VERY special day in our house. Mikaelyn made the decision to ask Jesus into her heart and become a Christian!! This process has been going on for a few months now (not to mention the prayers that have been said by myself and my family & friends since she was born that she would some day give her life to the Lord).
A few months back, I started talking to her about what it meant to be a Christian. Immediately she said "I don't want to be a Christian, he's a BOY!" See, my nephew's name is Christian and of course, she attributed the 'word' Christian with the 'name' Christian. It has taken countless discussions and explanations to finally get her to understand the difference. Phew!! I was worried for a little bit. :o)
Anyway, Mikaelyn is VERY aware of what she did and completely understands this commitment and very important decision that she made. We sat and talked about how she wanted to go to Heaven and to be a Christian and how the only way to make that possible was to ask Jesus to forgive her sins and come and live in her heart. She said that she wanted to pray and do just that so I prayed for her and then she said that all important prayer!!! Of course, being the sweet girl that she is, she also prayed that Jesus would come into her Daddy's heart so that he could be a Christian too...she's always thinking of others...such a tender moment!! When we were finished, we called Grandma & Papa and got both of them on the phone to tell them...obviously, they were ecstatic and knew that Mikaelyn was so ready for this decision! Mikaelyn then ran to her Daddy and said, "Daddy, I'M A CHRISTIAN!!" Then she continued running around the house yelling "I'M A CHRISTIAN"!! It was so cute!
All day yesterday, she told everybody that was willing to listen that she was a Christian...what a witness I have on my hands! :o)
So, yesterday will go down in the books as probably the 3rd most important day in my life. #1 was the day I accepted Jesus as my savior when I was 5 years old (I think), #2 was the day Mikaelyn was born and now #3 is the day she gave her life to the Lord! We will celebrate July 2 as Mikaelyn's spiritual birthday for many, many years to come!!
God is so good and this has NOTHING to do with me, but only by His grace, mercy and faithfulness that my little girl has made the most important decision of her life! I am completely humbled!

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