Thursday, May 7, 2009

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day...

Have you ever read that book?! I remember it from when I was a little girl and although I don't necessarily remember everything that was IN the book, the title seems to work just perfectly for some of those less than perfect days.
Yesterday was one of those days for me. It seemed that nothing went right for me, old issues came up and I literally felt like I was drowning in bad stuff, a.k.a. CRAP! Half way through the day I went home from work and just cried to Anthony that I didn't understand why everything was happening...then only a few hours later, something else happened that just put it over the top, and all I could say was, REALLY?! I mean, REALLY?!
I felt last night as if I was being punished for something. But, I remembered that God is a loving God and He is only trying to teach me something with these difficult times and I'm praying that I will be open to His words so He can direct me in where I need to go. I can only do what I can do and to stress about difficult times will only end up hurting me in the end rather than helping me.
So today, I'm determined to have a positive attitude and to keep on doing what I can to make things better, to fix the issues and work through the tough times. I need to remember how much I have and focus on the good in my life rather than wallow in the bad.
God is good and I trust that for whatever reason I am going through tough times, I will come out on top in the end because I will lean on the one and only thing that can get me through everything, JESUS!

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