Mikaelyn loving being in the water...which is still VERY cold!

Here she is scolding the water for getting her capri jeans wet, she was yelling jiberish to it! :o)
On Sunday after church, Anthony was out and about watching the basketball game and hanging with some friends on the water (yes, I was jealous), so again Mikaelyn and I decided to drive to Kirkland and go walking along the water. This always seems like a great idea when we first talk about it, but then miss "pushing boundaries" always seems to find something (many things) to complain about, therefore making it not the best of times. But, we did have a good time in the long run and although there were some tantrums thrown and some attitude heard, we were able to enjoy being together and being outside!

It was a great weekend and I look forward to this summer when we can be outside more often and for longer stretches of time. We also look forward to our next picnic WITH Daddy when he's not working!
And one last picture of all my little babies PASSED OUT Sunday evening after a full weekend of sun & fun! It completely wore them out! Wore me out too apparently as I woke up with some sort of flu bug this morning and have been in bed all day. Oh well, I have to say the weekend was worth it! I'm a lucky girl to have such a beautiful, smart and incredible little girl! I love you Mikaelyn!!

Mikaelyn, Sophie and Asha all asleep at 7:45pm after a very long, but fun weekend!
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