The issues that I have been dealing with are sadly nothing new to me. When you've been in a "unique" relationship like I have for 9 1/2 years, things become "normal" that shouldn't be and I had to make some strong statements (and actions) in order to try to come to a happy place. This process is going to take a long time, but more than anything, I am trying to save the family that I love and the family that I desire for all of us involved. I don't know what the future holds for Anthony & I...but I am trusting that the Lord will direct me and I am doing my best to look to Him for answers. That's not always easy to do when sometimes He doesn't give me the answers that I want, but I am really trying to listen carefully and obey. Sometimes it's hard to decifer though if it's Him or my heart talking...they sound so similar! :o)
On top of all of that, I have been dealing with a lot of nausea and stomach pain the last few months and finally went to the Dr. yesterday. With a small infection in my uterus (sorry if that's TMI, but it is what it is) and some upper G.I. pain (stress induced ulcer type situation), I was given 2 prescriptions and will hopefully be on my way to feeling better soon. Lord willing.
Today I had a wonderful time taking Mikaelyn to her very first school field trip to the Pumpkin Patch and we brought along a little girl that we're babysitting for today through Friday, about 5 hours each day, named Josie. Mikaelyn had a great time and we brought home 5 little pumpkins...I heard we were actually only supposed to take 1 home, but Mikaelyn had already set her mind on 5, and I wasn't about to deal with a meltdown with 2 kids! How you ladies handle 2, I have much more respect for you after 5 hours of have 2! :o)
Again, thank you so much for your prayers...keep them coming as I don't know what my future holds and I'm still trying to figure out if I made the right decision to continue in the life that we are...
Here are a few pictures of Mikaelyn at the Pumpkin patch.
This would have been such a cute picture if she would have smiled...but this picture does show the little "attitude" that I deal with on a daily basis! Oh the joy of attitude, but like my Daddy says..."that's what you get"!
Mikaelyn and Josie, the little girl that we were babysitting.
1 comment:
It's a privilege to pray for you! I'll continue to pray for peace, wisdom, and guidance. You're a strong and faithful woman and I know you'll make good decisions. Have a good day!
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