Last weekend, a good friend of mine, Nissa was in town with her 2 kiddos. Jaxson is 3 1/2 (same birthday as me!! GO ARIES, April 4th) and Lilly is about 8 months. I hadn't yet met Lilly and I could hardly wait to get that little baby in my arms.
Nissa and I have been friends for almost 10 years now and have been through amazing and amazingly difficult times together. Without getting too deep into her life (not trying to put her business on blast), Nissa had it all...or so it seemed! A wonderful fiance, a new baby, houses, cars, money...and within a few months, she was left with virtually nothing, but her beautiful son and a new little girl on the way (and a wonderful Mother who has always been there for her). I have seen her endure heartbreak after heartbreak and unimaginable pain, but through it all, she has had such a positive outlook on life and love and has been an incredible mother to her 2 GORGEOUS children! Not to mention that this girl is one of the most non-judgemental people I have ever met. Even through all of her trials, she has been there for me to give me advice or just to listen to me. She is loyal and unselfish and I love her deeply! I am so thankful for her and I hope that ALL of you have at least 1 friend (other than a spouse) that will be there for you NO MATTER WHAT! I have that and I am blessed.
While she was in town, we went to Chuck E Cheese, Coulon Beach Park and to the Stocker Farms Pumpkin patch. Mikaelyn and Jaxson just got along so well and Mikaelyn can't stop talking about Lilly and was such a good little mother to her. I only wish they lived closer so the kids could play more often and I could have one of my best friends closer, to be able to talk to her in person!! I love you Niss!!! xoxox

Note to self: Don't try to take a group shot after playing at Chuck E Cheese for 2 hours with 3 children and NO NAPS!!!
Mikaelyn & Lilly...she was such a good psuedo Mommy!
Me & Lilly...look at that face?! And Nissa makes the headbands & hats...they're the new thing!
My lady Nissa & I...I think she's the greatest!
Mikaelyn & BFF's!
The hamster wheels at Stocker Farms! Mikaelyn & I won!! Nissa attributes it to my long legs!
So attractive! :o) I miss them!
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