So, I just had to share that I just dropped of my ballot at the post office this afternoon. Yes, I have been registered since I turned 18, but I had not yet voted. I was never informed and just didn't feel like it was necessary for ME to vote.
This year, however it is very different. Thank you to (or possibly just because of) Anthony, I am very well informed this election. Politics is on at our house just about 24/7 and I have learned SO much! I was SO excited to go through the ballot and fill in what I wanted. And I know that my vote DOES count!! This is the first time, but certainly NOT the last!! question to you is...have you voted?! If not, you NEED to!!!
A brief look into my life as a Mother, a friend and a companion
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Fabulous Friend in Town
Last weekend, a good friend of mine, Nissa was in town with her 2 kiddos. Jaxson is 3 1/2 (same birthday as me!! GO ARIES, April 4th) and Lilly is about 8 months. I hadn't yet met Lilly and I could hardly wait to get that little baby in my arms.
Nissa and I have been friends for almost 10 years now and have been through amazing and amazingly difficult times together. Without getting too deep into her life (not trying to put her business on blast), Nissa had it all...or so it seemed! A wonderful fiance, a new baby, houses, cars, money...and within a few months, she was left with virtually nothing, but her beautiful son and a new little girl on the way (and a wonderful Mother who has always been there for her). I have seen her endure heartbreak after heartbreak and unimaginable pain, but through it all, she has had such a positive outlook on life and love and has been an incredible mother to her 2 GORGEOUS children! Not to mention that this girl is one of the most non-judgemental people I have ever met. Even through all of her trials, she has been there for me to give me advice or just to listen to me. She is loyal and unselfish and I love her deeply! I am so thankful for her and I hope that ALL of you have at least 1 friend (other than a spouse) that will be there for you NO MATTER WHAT! I have that and I am blessed.
While she was in town, we went to Chuck E Cheese, Coulon Beach Park and to the Stocker Farms Pumpkin patch. Mikaelyn and Jaxson just got along so well and Mikaelyn can't stop talking about Lilly and was such a good little mother to her. I only wish they lived closer so the kids could play more often and I could have one of my best friends closer, to be able to talk to her in person!! I love you Niss!!! xoxox

Note to self: Don't try to take a group shot after playing at Chuck E Cheese for 2 hours with 3 children and NO NAPS!!!
Mikaelyn & Lilly...she was such a good psuedo Mommy!
Me & Lilly...look at that face?! And Nissa makes the headbands & hats...they're the new thing!
My lady Nissa & I...I think she's the greatest!
Mikaelyn & BFF's!
The hamster wheels at Stocker Farms! Mikaelyn & I won!! Nissa attributes it to my long legs!
So attractive! :o) I miss them!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Prayer is a WONDERFUL thing!
Thank you to those of you that prayed for me yesterday and/or today! I can't tell you how much it means to me and it must be working b/c I am starting to feel quite a bit better today.
She was digging for worms! (in a plastic pool set up by the farm). The funniest part about this picture is that right before this, she had accidentally dropped a little dirt on her shoes and just about FREAKED OUT!! I love how CLEAN my child likes to be! :o)
Mikaelyn posing by the Sunflowers.
The issues that I have been dealing with are sadly nothing new to me. When you've been in a "unique" relationship like I have for 9 1/2 years, things become "normal" that shouldn't be and I had to make some strong statements (and actions) in order to try to come to a happy place. This process is going to take a long time, but more than anything, I am trying to save the family that I love and the family that I desire for all of us involved. I don't know what the future holds for Anthony & I...but I am trusting that the Lord will direct me and I am doing my best to look to Him for answers. That's not always easy to do when sometimes He doesn't give me the answers that I want, but I am really trying to listen carefully and obey. Sometimes it's hard to decifer though if it's Him or my heart talking...they sound so similar! :o)
On top of all of that, I have been dealing with a lot of nausea and stomach pain the last few months and finally went to the Dr. yesterday. With a small infection in my uterus (sorry if that's TMI, but it is what it is) and some upper G.I. pain (stress induced ulcer type situation), I was given 2 prescriptions and will hopefully be on my way to feeling better soon. Lord willing.
Today I had a wonderful time taking Mikaelyn to her very first school field trip to the Pumpkin Patch and we brought along a little girl that we're babysitting for today through Friday, about 5 hours each day, named Josie. Mikaelyn had a great time and we brought home 5 little pumpkins...I heard we were actually only supposed to take 1 home, but Mikaelyn had already set her mind on 5, and I wasn't about to deal with a meltdown with 2 kids! How you ladies handle 2, I have much more respect for you after 5 hours of have 2! :o)
Again, thank you so much for your prayers...keep them coming as I don't know what my future holds and I'm still trying to figure out if I made the right decision to continue in the life that we are...
Here are a few pictures of Mikaelyn at the Pumpkin patch.
This would have been such a cute picture if she would have smiled...but this picture does show the little "attitude" that I deal with on a daily basis! Oh the joy of attitude, but like my Daddy says..."that's what you get"!
Mikaelyn and Josie, the little girl that we were babysitting.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Just asking for prayer
Yesterday and today have been very difficult for me. I am dealing with some personal issues that are very painful, confusing and scary. I don't know what the future holds for me and my family, but I know the Lord has His arms around us protecting us, but it is hard to feel that peace when I feel so much pain.
I am sure that in time, I will go deeper into the happenings as of late, but now, all I can ask for is that you pray for me. I need to know the Lord's grace and mercy and I long to feel peace about decisions that are needing to be made in my life.
I know the Lord loves me and I know that He will never give me anything that I can not in a way, maybe I should feel proud that He thinks I can handle all of this. But the reality of my life at this moment, is that I am hurting and I am just trying to make it to tomorrow, and to be strong for Mikaelyn.
I appreciate your prayers and positive thoughts! :o)
God Bless You!
I am sure that in time, I will go deeper into the happenings as of late, but now, all I can ask for is that you pray for me. I need to know the Lord's grace and mercy and I long to feel peace about decisions that are needing to be made in my life.
I know the Lord loves me and I know that He will never give me anything that I can not in a way, maybe I should feel proud that He thinks I can handle all of this. But the reality of my life at this moment, is that I am hurting and I am just trying to make it to tomorrow, and to be strong for Mikaelyn.
I appreciate your prayers and positive thoughts! :o)
God Bless You!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Anybody want a Kitty?!
I have come to the realization that I'm going to have to slim down my brood of cats...I'm VERY sad about this and actually having a very difficult time finding a place to surrender these sweet girls as all the no-kill rescue organizations are full.
So, I figured I'd see if anybody is interested in some sweet kitties. All potty trained, good with children and sweet tempered little girls. See my previous post for pictures. Asha, the black one will stay with us, but I think it's going to have to be the other 3 that I need to find homes for.
Sophie loves to be indoor/outdoor while Capri and Chloe prefer to be indoor only, although Capri used to be outdoor only, so she's versatile.
Let me know if you or someone you know might like a cat that is completely trained and again good with kids! :o)
I'm happy to help with purchasing a litter box or food or whatever is needed as long as I know these cats go to good homes.
They are an extension of my family and I have to tell you, I feel ILL over the fact that this is just not working! I was trying to be a good "Mom" to them and feel so sad that this is the outcome.
Let me know if you know someone, or even if you know an adoption organization that might have room for them.
So, I figured I'd see if anybody is interested in some sweet kitties. All potty trained, good with children and sweet tempered little girls. See my previous post for pictures. Asha, the black one will stay with us, but I think it's going to have to be the other 3 that I need to find homes for.
Sophie loves to be indoor/outdoor while Capri and Chloe prefer to be indoor only, although Capri used to be outdoor only, so she's versatile.
Let me know if you or someone you know might like a cat that is completely trained and again good with kids! :o)
I'm happy to help with purchasing a litter box or food or whatever is needed as long as I know these cats go to good homes.
They are an extension of my family and I have to tell you, I feel ILL over the fact that this is just not working! I was trying to be a good "Mom" to them and feel so sad that this is the outcome.
Let me know if you know someone, or even if you know an adoption organization that might have room for them.
Monday, October 13, 2008
New Carpet = New Life?!?!
Well, in my case, yes, it certainly feels that way!
Last week we were able to get all new carpet throughout our home! THANK THE LORD!!! I feel like a brand new woman! :o)
So, over the last few years, I have accumulated a few animals...cats to be specific (and a rabbit). We have 4...I know, I know, it's a lot. But, I have a heart for animals and when I see them in their little cages at Petco or wherever, I just can't help but adopt!
Anyway, on of my sweet little girls (yes, they're ALL girls) decided to start urinating in the hallway...over and over and over and over again! If you know anything about cats, you know that their urine DOES NOT come out of carpet and even if it did, it's in the padding and they just keep going to the same spot. Well, there were about 6 spots in the hallway. I tried every thing to clean it, every possible carpet cleaner, boards up against the wall to try to cover them, it was awful. Ok, maybe that's too much information, but I'm just trying to give you an idea of WHY this was such an awesome thing to get new carpet!
So, the carpet was installed on Thursday and Friday and it gave me the opportunity to re-arrange everything. Mikaelyn's room is now her own little play room, but neat and tidy, just the way we like it. Our room is still calming and relaxing, and just feels so much better with the new carpet. The family room has been rearranged to make it look much more inviting and once we get the fires going is going to be AWESOME!! I'm re-covering my 4 dining room chairs later this evening, so that will make it that much nicer in there and will tie the red couch and red rug under the dining room table all together. I'm SO excited that my home feels like a "home" and not just a house. I feel as if I can really relax again and don't even want to leave, I just want to stay at home and vacuum! LOL!
Anyway, with all of this, now my concern is my 4 beautiful cats. My rabbit (Bianca) is outside and although I would LOVE to get rid of her, she is not very nice and if I were to give her to an organization, my feeling is that they would have to put her down b/c she will bite...that's not fair to her when she can just live on my deck and enjoy her life. But the cats on the other hand...oh man, I'm SO worried that they are going to go back to their old ways. One of them pooped in the hallway last night and all day today I have had a stomach ache fearing that it may be time to downsize. I've sent an email to MEOW Cat Rescue to see what the process is as I need to know that if I do have to get rid of some, that they will go to loving, caring homes and be able to live a happy life, like they have with us.
Now the issue is which ones?! I'm thinking I need to hand over 2 and it is making me ill trying to pick between them. All 4 of them have such special places in my heart and their own personalities. The 2 that I THINK I need to get rid of, I don't want to. Sophie, the one who urinated all over the hallway was one of mine that I adopted. She was abused as a kitten and although she is the sweetest little baby, she is a bit skidish and I worry what will happen if she has to change homes. Not to mention that she is the one that sleeps with Mikaelyn every single night. Carpi, the one that pooped last night, has been with me since 2002. She is the Mama of all of the girls and although I know she will thrive wherever she is, she has been through everything with me the last 6 years. The other 2, Chloe and Asha, haven't done anything wrong, and I just can't bare to get rid of them...Ughh, I'm sick over this...
Anybody have any ideas? Heck, anybody want one of my girls?! :o(
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Weekend of...a lot of shopping!
I go throught phases where I will go to a store and try on tons of clothes, maybe even keep a few in my arms for 30 minutes or so and then end up putting them back and walking out, feeling guilty about spending money on myself when my daughter will need a whole new wardrobe when the next season comes. Then the other phase is going to a store and buying the things I like because...well, because I want to! :o) Doesn't mean I don't still feel guilty, but I also get the feeling that buying myself things that I either desire or actually need is ok because I work hard for my money (I just got that song stuck in my head now after writing that) and every girl deserves a little luxury once in a while.
So, this weekend was one of those buy, buy, buy weekends. A few things for me and a few things for Mikaelyn. I'm sure all you Mother's reading this understand the need for new clothes at the beginning of school, fall, winter, spring, summer, and whatever else we get ourselves into with our kids. Mikaelyn is growing quickly and I realized that her fall/winter clothes from last year either don't fit at all or just look ragged. So, being the bargain shopper that I am (I pride myself of good deals), I found a few new sweaters, shirts, jammies, tights, boots and even a dress for her all at either Ross, Marshalls, or Fred Meyer (I know...kind of crazy that I would find something so cute at Fred Meyer). I had already bought a few pairs of jeans earlier in August/September from Costco, so she was ok in the pants area.
For me...well, I'm a shoe lover! :o) Recently I have gone a little crazy on the shoe buying, but I'm enjoying them thoroughly!!! Some are needed, but most are just for fun. Marshalls has been the recent place for me to buy. They have name brands that are at least 50% off the regular price. Maybe they're last year or last season's style, but I pick and choose carefully and as long as I can work em' ...that's all that matters! :o)
Mikaelyn decided to try one of each of my new pairs of shoes on to model...she loves heels and enjoys helping me pick out which shoes I'm going to wear every day with each outfit. She's a girl after my own heart...although I do believe she is going to cost me a lot of money in the future! :o)
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