Oh my goodness, I haven't seen a winter like this in...well, I don't know how long, a LONG time! The snow is continuing to fall like crazy and as I lay in my cozy bed, I'm looking out the window at all the dumb drivers thinking they can do anything going down our hill until they slip and slide...ughh!
I got out of the house yesterday and did a bit of shopping at the grocery store, pet store and Costco and again today to Fred Meyer to get Mikaelyn a warmer snow jacket, some boots for me and a few presents...who knows when this is going to let up for me to actually be able to Christmas shop.
Anthony really wanted to get out and do some shopping, so I sent him to Toys R Us and the mall to get some things for Mikaelyn. I went online and printed out the specifics for him to make it "easier"...so hopefully he'll be able to find everything...maybe he'll pick something up for me too?! LOL! Here's hopin'!
Anyway, I hope you are all staying warm and cozy.
I take this moment to reflect on all the things that I am so thankful for. Top of my list right now, a roof over my head with plenty of warm heat inside! God is good and I am so thankful for all the many things that I have!
A brief look into my life as a Mother, a friend and a companion
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Cancelled...well, Postponed
I got an email and then a call this morning to let me know that the Dessert theater that I am in has been postponed due to snow. They're hoping for next weekend, but we have to make sure that all the cast can be there...
I'm disappointed, but also understanding. I was so ready for this production to be over so that I could get Mikaelyn and myself back on a normal schedule, but oh well, the Lord has other plans.
Anyway, once I get confirmation, I'll update with the actual dates and times now.
For those of you with snow, be safe and have a little fun! Have a warm and great weekend!
I'm disappointed, but also understanding. I was so ready for this production to be over so that I could get Mikaelyn and myself back on a normal schedule, but oh well, the Lord has other plans.
Anyway, once I get confirmation, I'll update with the actual dates and times now.
For those of you with snow, be safe and have a little fun! Have a warm and great weekend!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Lots of Cancellations due to snow...
So, as I'm sure you've seen, there is quite a bit of snow outside the windows in the Seattle area. Now for those of you in the mid-west or east coast, you may think, oh those Seattlites, they're just wimps...well, I'm pretty sure you don't have the hills that we have here which make the cities completely shut down because it's just too difficult (not to mention dangerous) to go anywhere.
The snow on the roads has cleared enough for most SUV's to get around (including Anthony's, he made it to work tonight), but it's supposed to freeze tonight and with the compacted snow now turning to ice, the roads could be treacherous!
We were all told that yesterday (Wednesday) was going to be the "day of snow", so my rehearsal was cancelled just in case...which of course, we didn't get ANYTHING! Some of the cities up north or down south got a bit, but none in my immediate area. So, then today, I wake up with a few inches of snow and it snowed all day, literally. So, they cancelled rehearsal again today, which was to be our "Dress Rehearsal"!! If you have ever acted or sang (or attempted either), you know how important the dress rehearsal can be...with the light and mics all ready to go one last time...yeah, we don't get that!
So, we're supposed to be at the church by 4pm tomorrow (only 1 hour after Mikaelyn gets off school...which means no nap), to run through everything once and then the performance starts at 7pm. I am not really "freaking out", but this is making me very nervous. I'm not only worried about the actual performance, but the fact that due to the weather, it may be difficult to drive, I wonder what our audience will be like. We have worked so hard on this play and I know I will just be so sad if the crowds just don't come due to the weather.
I know the Lord has all of this in his hands and it is certainly not in mine, but I just felt the need to share and maybe if you're reading this, you could say a little prayer for us. Not only for a good performance, but that we (me specifically) will give all 4 performances (Lord willing we'll be able to do all 4) over the the Lord to do with us what He needs! We have the opportunity to reach out to so many people...we just need to get them there!
Keep me in your prayers the next few days!! Finding Bethlehem...here I come!
The snow on the roads has cleared enough for most SUV's to get around (including Anthony's, he made it to work tonight), but it's supposed to freeze tonight and with the compacted snow now turning to ice, the roads could be treacherous!
We were all told that yesterday (Wednesday) was going to be the "day of snow", so my rehearsal was cancelled just in case...which of course, we didn't get ANYTHING! Some of the cities up north or down south got a bit, but none in my immediate area. So, then today, I wake up with a few inches of snow and it snowed all day, literally. So, they cancelled rehearsal again today, which was to be our "Dress Rehearsal"!! If you have ever acted or sang (or attempted either), you know how important the dress rehearsal can be...with the light and mics all ready to go one last time...yeah, we don't get that!
So, we're supposed to be at the church by 4pm tomorrow (only 1 hour after Mikaelyn gets off school...which means no nap), to run through everything once and then the performance starts at 7pm. I am not really "freaking out", but this is making me very nervous. I'm not only worried about the actual performance, but the fact that due to the weather, it may be difficult to drive, I wonder what our audience will be like. We have worked so hard on this play and I know I will just be so sad if the crowds just don't come due to the weather.
I know the Lord has all of this in his hands and it is certainly not in mine, but I just felt the need to share and maybe if you're reading this, you could say a little prayer for us. Not only for a good performance, but that we (me specifically) will give all 4 performances (Lord willing we'll be able to do all 4) over the the Lord to do with us what He needs! We have the opportunity to reach out to so many people...we just need to get them there!
Keep me in your prayers the next few days!! Finding Bethlehem...here I come!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Christmas Pictures
I just wanted to share some of our Christmas pictures. My friend Rachelle (http://www.elleboudoir.com/) took these while she was in town and other than dealing with Mikaelyn having a bit of an attitude because it was so cold and she was tired...they really turned out great! Thank you Rachelle!

Friday, December 12, 2008
Just a Reminder...Finding Bethlehem
I thought I would put up again when the dates of my Dessert Theater, Finding Bethlehem, are in case anybody is interested in going.
It's a wonderful play based in Arizona. It's a sweet story of finding the true meaning of Christmas with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. It's really going to be good!
If you're interested in coming, you can purchase tickets ($10 per person) on the church's website www.westminster.org or call me and I can pick some up for you (206) 962-1114.
Friday, December 19 @ 7pm
Saturday, December 20 @ 7pm
Sunday, December 21 @ 3pm
Sunday, December 21 @ 7pm
Location: Westminster Chapel
13646 NE 24th Street
Bellevue, WA 98005
Would love to see you there! Happy Holidays!
It's a wonderful play based in Arizona. It's a sweet story of finding the true meaning of Christmas with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. It's really going to be good!
If you're interested in coming, you can purchase tickets ($10 per person) on the church's website www.westminster.org or call me and I can pick some up for you (206) 962-1114.
Friday, December 19 @ 7pm
Saturday, December 20 @ 7pm
Sunday, December 21 @ 3pm
Sunday, December 21 @ 7pm
Location: Westminster Chapel
13646 NE 24th Street
Bellevue, WA 98005
Would love to see you there! Happy Holidays!
Busy, Busy...I need a vacation!
I am finding myself having SUCH a difficult time getting out of bed each morning...I'm SO tired!
With rehearsals 3 times this week, on top of Mikaelyn's Dance class, a Uganda meeting, another concert at church, not to mention work and basic busy body things that I try to do at home, I am TIRED!
Rehearsal went really well last night. My song is really coming along and I sat and watched the other scenes of the play and really got a good look at the entire play...it's really good! I didn't realize though, that we have rehearsal Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday next week starting at 6 until 9ish, then performance Friday, Saturday and 2 on Sunday...OUCH! It's all well worth it and I'm SO excited about it, but I will be so glad when it's over and I can SLEEP!
Mikaelyn has really been a trooper through it all, for the most part. One of the girls in the play has a 10-11 year old sister and Mikaelyn and her play or watch a movie every night while we're rehearsing. Her Mom was one of my leaders when I was in Middle School and so it's been fun to re-connect with her and get to know her beautiful and sweet daughters. Mikaelyn loves them and really enjoys playing with the big girls...so it's worked out ok for her.
However, seeing that she's getting to be around 10pm with NO nap because of school...she gets overly tired and then can't fall asleep and becomes VERY dramatic...so any energy I have left after the long days are completely drained by the random and weird things that Mikaelyn has been saying...I mean, VERY dramatic, sad things...I don't really know what to do, other then do my best to get her home and in bed as early as possible. She was still asleep this morning at 9:15 (which is very late for her)...so it proves she is tired.
Hopefully we can catch up on some of the sleep before next week when we're packed full of stuff...I suppose we'll see.
Keep us in your prayers though, my biggest prayer is that being so tired, neither of us will get sick...we're just finishing up getting over pneumonia, I can't take anything else! :o(
With rehearsals 3 times this week, on top of Mikaelyn's Dance class, a Uganda meeting, another concert at church, not to mention work and basic busy body things that I try to do at home, I am TIRED!
Rehearsal went really well last night. My song is really coming along and I sat and watched the other scenes of the play and really got a good look at the entire play...it's really good! I didn't realize though, that we have rehearsal Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday next week starting at 6 until 9ish, then performance Friday, Saturday and 2 on Sunday...OUCH! It's all well worth it and I'm SO excited about it, but I will be so glad when it's over and I can SLEEP!
Mikaelyn has really been a trooper through it all, for the most part. One of the girls in the play has a 10-11 year old sister and Mikaelyn and her play or watch a movie every night while we're rehearsing. Her Mom was one of my leaders when I was in Middle School and so it's been fun to re-connect with her and get to know her beautiful and sweet daughters. Mikaelyn loves them and really enjoys playing with the big girls...so it's worked out ok for her.
However, seeing that she's getting to be around 10pm with NO nap because of school...she gets overly tired and then can't fall asleep and becomes VERY dramatic...so any energy I have left after the long days are completely drained by the random and weird things that Mikaelyn has been saying...I mean, VERY dramatic, sad things...I don't really know what to do, other then do my best to get her home and in bed as early as possible. She was still asleep this morning at 9:15 (which is very late for her)...so it proves she is tired.
Hopefully we can catch up on some of the sleep before next week when we're packed full of stuff...I suppose we'll see.
Keep us in your prayers though, my biggest prayer is that being so tired, neither of us will get sick...we're just finishing up getting over pneumonia, I can't take anything else! :o(
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
God is Good...no, GOD IS GREAT!
On Monday, we had a Uganda meeting with the people of Action International that we will be working with there. They are here on furlough and took time out to meet with us and give us a better look at what we will be doing while in Uganda (March 27-April 11, 2009).
The 8 people that were at the meeting (missing Ray our leader as he was in Jerusalem...yeah, cool, I know!) all went around and told a bit of why we were going on this specific mission trip. As I was listening to all the short stories of how each of us has come to the decision to be a part of this incredible journey, it was SO clear that the Lord has had His hand over our team and indiviually picked each of us to go on this trip, at this time to this place...it is absolutely AMAZING!
I knew that the Lord was so creative in His way of showing me that Uganda was the place that I wanted to experience His glory, but to hear it in everybody else's story as well just made me realize the wonder of our Lord...He is so good and so faithful it brings tears to my eyes.
While we are there, we have a pretty full schedule and each of us was asked to take the "Lead" in a specific area for a specific day. I chose to take the Lead when we go to Awach which is to the Child Mother's Village. Ever since I realized who these women (young ladies) were, I felt an intense pull to work with them. These girls need to learn how to love their child and the ability to feel love through all of the torture that goes on in their minds and hearts due to the terrible things that have happened to them in the past. I can not even begin to grasp what these girls have gone through, but I only pray that the Lord can use me in a way that will help to comfort them and bring some joy to them through Christ's everlasting love. It is not ME that will be giving them anything, but Christ THROUGH me.
I am beyond excited about this incredible opportunity that the Lord has put in front of me and I can only pray that He will continue to prepare my heart and those of the people that we will be there to reach out to, to do His work in us and through us. He is a Might God and I am humbled by the mere thought of what He is capable of doing.
Please pray for myself and my team as we continue to prepare for this journey. Not only are we needing to raise funds, but we need prayers more than anything.
My personal prayer is that I will be able to find an individual prayer partner that will not only pray for me during my trip, but that will begin a prayer relationship with me as I prepare for this, while I'm there and after. I know the Lord has someone special in mind of me and I hope He will put that person in front of me so I know His will.
God is good...no, GOD IS GREAT!!!
The 8 people that were at the meeting (missing Ray our leader as he was in Jerusalem...yeah, cool, I know!) all went around and told a bit of why we were going on this specific mission trip. As I was listening to all the short stories of how each of us has come to the decision to be a part of this incredible journey, it was SO clear that the Lord has had His hand over our team and indiviually picked each of us to go on this trip, at this time to this place...it is absolutely AMAZING!
I knew that the Lord was so creative in His way of showing me that Uganda was the place that I wanted to experience His glory, but to hear it in everybody else's story as well just made me realize the wonder of our Lord...He is so good and so faithful it brings tears to my eyes.
While we are there, we have a pretty full schedule and each of us was asked to take the "Lead" in a specific area for a specific day. I chose to take the Lead when we go to Awach which is to the Child Mother's Village. Ever since I realized who these women (young ladies) were, I felt an intense pull to work with them. These girls need to learn how to love their child and the ability to feel love through all of the torture that goes on in their minds and hearts due to the terrible things that have happened to them in the past. I can not even begin to grasp what these girls have gone through, but I only pray that the Lord can use me in a way that will help to comfort them and bring some joy to them through Christ's everlasting love. It is not ME that will be giving them anything, but Christ THROUGH me.
I am beyond excited about this incredible opportunity that the Lord has put in front of me and I can only pray that He will continue to prepare my heart and those of the people that we will be there to reach out to, to do His work in us and through us. He is a Might God and I am humbled by the mere thought of what He is capable of doing.
Please pray for myself and my team as we continue to prepare for this journey. Not only are we needing to raise funds, but we need prayers more than anything.
My personal prayer is that I will be able to find an individual prayer partner that will not only pray for me during my trip, but that will begin a prayer relationship with me as I prepare for this, while I'm there and after. I know the Lord has someone special in mind of me and I hope He will put that person in front of me so I know His will.
God is good...no, GOD IS GREAT!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Some Photos of Family
We spent some time with my siblings last Saturday when my sister and her family were able to come up and see us from Eugene, OR. The kids had a lot of fun together...well, most of the time. It's amazing to me how kids can get along with their classmates every day with not one single problem, but as soon as they get with family, which they only see once a month barely, they fight like siblings...it must be in the blood or something?!

Either way, it was great to see all the cousins together. Regardless of their fighting, they love each other and they will defend each other to the bitter end too!
Mikaelyn, Ilona, Kaiser, Christian & Eva
They love eachother!
You try getting 5 kids, 6 years old and under to all smile, pose and be good in a picture!
All the kids walking home from the "park" (aka Ilona's elementary school)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Dessert Theater Dates/Times
I thought I would put the info for my church's Dessert Theater that I am involved in for everybody.
If anybody is interested in coming to see me TRY to sing and act, please send me an email sjgroenink@att.net and I can get you all lined up! It should be a good time, I'm pretty excited about it!
Friday - 12/19 @ 7pm
Saturday - 12/20 @ 7pm
Sunday - 12/21 @ 3pm
Sunday - 12/21 @ 7pm
Location: Westminster Chapel
13646 NE 24th Street
Bellevue, WA 98005
Cost: $10 per person (can purchase a table of 8 or 10 people)
I know it's a really busy time of the year for everybody, and I appreciate your support in this! It's called Finding Bethlehem and it's a really sweet story (based around my character...that's just to prove how cool I am! LOL! Kidding). I'm also singing a song by Josh Groban (no, I won't sound like him, but it's a cool song).
Hope you can make it!! Merry Early Christmas!
If anybody is interested in coming to see me TRY to sing and act, please send me an email sjgroenink@att.net and I can get you all lined up! It should be a good time, I'm pretty excited about it!
Friday - 12/19 @ 7pm
Saturday - 12/20 @ 7pm
Sunday - 12/21 @ 3pm
Sunday - 12/21 @ 7pm
Location: Westminster Chapel
13646 NE 24th Street
Bellevue, WA 98005
Cost: $10 per person (can purchase a table of 8 or 10 people)
I know it's a really busy time of the year for everybody, and I appreciate your support in this! It's called Finding Bethlehem and it's a really sweet story (based around my character...that's just to prove how cool I am! LOL! Kidding). I'm also singing a song by Josh Groban (no, I won't sound like him, but it's a cool song).
Hope you can make it!! Merry Early Christmas!
Friday, November 28, 2008
I am so thankful
Well, a day late, but none-the-less, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
Yesterday ended up being such a wonderful day. I spent the morning sleeping in (a little too long) and then rushing around trying to get everything ready to go to my brother and his family's house. I personally baked 2 pies (apple) from SCRATCH! Yep, crust and all. They didn't look great, but they tasted good, which is what really matters. Thanks Mom for the recipe...practice makes perfect, so some day I'll have to practice again! :o)
Mikaelyn and I went to my brother Jason and his wife Andrea's house for lunch/dinner (3pm). They just purchased a house this summer and are in the midst of doing a pretty major remodel, so it is always fun to go over there and see what Andrea has done with the place. She has an interior design background and is absolutely the most creative, incredible, stylish woman I know! Some day when I have the $$, I'm going to hire her to re-do my house...when I have a house to re-do! :o) Anyway, Mikaelyn and her 2 cousins Ilona (6 1/2) and Eva (4) played down in the play room while we all got dinner ready. When I say "play" I mean, fight like sisters/cousins, tattle a lot, but still love each other like crazy. They really do have a lot of fun, even though we have to get after them all quite a bit.
My younger brother Tyler drove over from Wenatchee to join us along with a girl from Jason's church. We had just about every dish you could think of...and it was FABULOUS!
I have to say though, I think the best part of the day was being able to talk to my big brother about life...the trials, the joys, and what my future holds. Jason is one of the most non-judgemental, considerate and intelligent men I know (just below my Daddy and along with my younger brother, Tyler) and it was so great to wash the dishes (they don't have a dishwasher right now) and be able to spend that time discussing Christ and the many things floating around in my head with regard to Christianity, church and Jesus. Jason and Andrea have been through a lot with me and I am so grateful for their unconditional love and support for Mikaelyn and I and I feel so blessed to call them family.
Poor Tyler ended up getting sick before he could taste the pies that I brought, but we all ate some pie and chatted some more...as my mother would say, it was just "sweet, sweet fellowship"! :o)
Mikaelyn and I then drove home, picked up her Daddy and drove around for about an hour looking for a restaurant that was open...all we found was Denny's! LOL! So, we had a little meal at Denny's at 9pm, then called it a night.
It was hard not to have my parents here for Thanksgiving, I miss them like crazy, but I'm glad they were able to be with family as well and I know that if they could have been here, they would have been.
So, I'm thankful most of all for Christ's unconditional and everlasting love for me and my family and I'm thankful for my brother's, sister's, nieces, nephews, parents, child, child's father and my kitty's (& my rabbit, sort of)...not to mention my wonderful friends who keep me going each and every day.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and feel as truly blessed as I do!
Now...on to the Christmas season...I don't think I'm ready yet!
Yesterday ended up being such a wonderful day. I spent the morning sleeping in (a little too long) and then rushing around trying to get everything ready to go to my brother and his family's house. I personally baked 2 pies (apple) from SCRATCH! Yep, crust and all. They didn't look great, but they tasted good, which is what really matters. Thanks Mom for the recipe...practice makes perfect, so some day I'll have to practice again! :o)
Mikaelyn and I went to my brother Jason and his wife Andrea's house for lunch/dinner (3pm). They just purchased a house this summer and are in the midst of doing a pretty major remodel, so it is always fun to go over there and see what Andrea has done with the place. She has an interior design background and is absolutely the most creative, incredible, stylish woman I know! Some day when I have the $$, I'm going to hire her to re-do my house...when I have a house to re-do! :o) Anyway, Mikaelyn and her 2 cousins Ilona (6 1/2) and Eva (4) played down in the play room while we all got dinner ready. When I say "play" I mean, fight like sisters/cousins, tattle a lot, but still love each other like crazy. They really do have a lot of fun, even though we have to get after them all quite a bit.
My younger brother Tyler drove over from Wenatchee to join us along with a girl from Jason's church. We had just about every dish you could think of...and it was FABULOUS!
I have to say though, I think the best part of the day was being able to talk to my big brother about life...the trials, the joys, and what my future holds. Jason is one of the most non-judgemental, considerate and intelligent men I know (just below my Daddy and along with my younger brother, Tyler) and it was so great to wash the dishes (they don't have a dishwasher right now) and be able to spend that time discussing Christ and the many things floating around in my head with regard to Christianity, church and Jesus. Jason and Andrea have been through a lot with me and I am so grateful for their unconditional love and support for Mikaelyn and I and I feel so blessed to call them family.
Poor Tyler ended up getting sick before he could taste the pies that I brought, but we all ate some pie and chatted some more...as my mother would say, it was just "sweet, sweet fellowship"! :o)
Mikaelyn and I then drove home, picked up her Daddy and drove around for about an hour looking for a restaurant that was open...all we found was Denny's! LOL! So, we had a little meal at Denny's at 9pm, then called it a night.
It was hard not to have my parents here for Thanksgiving, I miss them like crazy, but I'm glad they were able to be with family as well and I know that if they could have been here, they would have been.
So, I'm thankful most of all for Christ's unconditional and everlasting love for me and my family and I'm thankful for my brother's, sister's, nieces, nephews, parents, child, child's father and my kitty's (& my rabbit, sort of)...not to mention my wonderful friends who keep me going each and every day.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and feel as truly blessed as I do!
Now...on to the Christmas season...I don't think I'm ready yet!
Monday, November 24, 2008
A little sicker than I thought...
So, you see all the white, outside of the bones?! Yeah, that's called Pneumonia. UGHH!
Yep, Friday night about 7pm, Mikaelyn was feeling awfully warm, so I took her temp again (she had been running a fever since Wednesday and it had spiked to 103.5 on Thursday night) and it was 104.8...FREAK OUT TIME!!! I called everybody I could think of to try to figure out what to do and NOBODY was around, so I just decided to pack up and go to the ER.
Long story short, after 5 hours, x-rays, vomiting b/c her fever was so high and a shot in both of her legs (at the same time, at the end of the night), we finally got the results that she had pneumonia and it was a good thing that I brought her in when I did b/c she would have just gotten worse.
We finally got home at midnight, she was still crying, still running a fever, but fell asleep pretty quickly, at least for an hour or so. She was up off and on all night, poor girl. Her fever finally left after her nap on Saturday and has not come back (and hopefully will not come back). She is still coughing but for the most part feeling a TON better!
On top of all of this, I have been under the weather as well, so being in the ER just made it worse and the stress of all of this has been a bit dampening on the healing process, but I'll be better soon and I am just SO thankful that Mikaelyn is getting better fairly quickly.
This is the 2nd time she has had pneumonia. I don't know what it is, but it's not fun. To watch my little girl feeling THAT rotten, it's unlike any feeling I can even express.
Praise the Lord she got through that night and I'm just still praying that she will continue to get healthy quickly.
At least she had something cool to bring in for sharing time at Montessori preschool! :o) The x-rays were a HIT!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Two Sick Ladies
Mikaelyn & I are both home tonight SICK! :o( Low grade temps, but we feel like...well, you know what I mean.
I think we both caught it from our little friend Anna who was just getting it last Friday and then ended up having a fever on Sunday...makes sense, poor little girl, and now poor us!
Anyway, Daddy just left for work and so it's just us to sick-o's all night. I'm praying this will stay as low grade and not escalate...I can't miss work and Mikaelyn has school tomorrow.
We'll be heading to bed early and just lounging until then! Luckily Daddy bought her 2 new DVD's yesterday (Tinkerbell & Wall-E). I think we should be set...but my THROAT HURTS & poor girl can't stop coughing. I HATE BEING SICK!!!
I think we both caught it from our little friend Anna who was just getting it last Friday and then ended up having a fever on Sunday...makes sense, poor little girl, and now poor us!
Anyway, Daddy just left for work and so it's just us to sick-o's all night. I'm praying this will stay as low grade and not escalate...I can't miss work and Mikaelyn has school tomorrow.
We'll be heading to bed early and just lounging until then! Luckily Daddy bought her 2 new DVD's yesterday (Tinkerbell & Wall-E). I think we should be set...but my THROAT HURTS & poor girl can't stop coughing. I HATE BEING SICK!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Last night about 2am, I heard Anthony come in yelling loudly that SOPHIE WAS HOME!! Our little kitty who had been "missing" since Halloween (yes that's 2 full weeks) had finally returned.
She is so skinny she looks like a kitty skeleton, but other than that seems to be healthy! She went straight to the food and ate for about 30 minutes...I thought she was going to get sick b/c she hadn't eaten for so long, she was stuffing herself...but she did fine. She has been non-stop purring since she got home and just wants to be touching me, Anthony or Mikaelyn!
Mikaelyn was SO ecstatic when she woke up and found Sophie sleeping next to my face, it was so sweet.
We feel like the home is complete now with our 2 remaining kitty's (and the rabbit out back) and we are SO happy she is home. Needless to say, she won't be going outside anytime in the near future! And ESPECIALLY when the mean old neighbor cat is out...Grrrr!
She is so skinny she looks like a kitty skeleton, but other than that seems to be healthy! She went straight to the food and ate for about 30 minutes...I thought she was going to get sick b/c she hadn't eaten for so long, she was stuffing herself...but she did fine. She has been non-stop purring since she got home and just wants to be touching me, Anthony or Mikaelyn!
Mikaelyn was SO ecstatic when she woke up and found Sophie sleeping next to my face, it was so sweet.
We feel like the home is complete now with our 2 remaining kitty's (and the rabbit out back) and we are SO happy she is home. Needless to say, she won't be going outside anytime in the near future! And ESPECIALLY when the mean old neighbor cat is out...Grrrr!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Upcoming Event
So, just a quick note to tell everyone that I have taking a roll in my church's (Westminster Chapel) Dessert Theater December 19, 20 & 21!
It's an original script about Christmas. I'm really excited about this opportunity, but have not done any "acting" since I was quite a bit younger! Running lines, memorizing lines, getting costumes together, it's all like a new experience since it's been so long.
What's cool about it is the director/producer is my elementary school choir leader. The children's choir (grades 1-5) used to put on 2 musicals a year and I was in every one of them with her as my director...so it make is much more comfortable for me.
I'll keep you all updated, but just wanted to let you know the good/fun news! Can't believe the "Holiday" season is really upon us!!
It's an original script about Christmas. I'm really excited about this opportunity, but have not done any "acting" since I was quite a bit younger! Running lines, memorizing lines, getting costumes together, it's all like a new experience since it's been so long.
What's cool about it is the director/producer is my elementary school choir leader. The children's choir (grades 1-5) used to put on 2 musicals a year and I was in every one of them with her as my director...so it make is much more comfortable for me.
I'll keep you all updated, but just wanted to let you know the good/fun news! Can't believe the "Holiday" season is really upon us!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
3 gone & only 1 left?!
So, in my previous posts I was searching for a new home for some of my kitties...although those posts didn't lead to a new home, I have however found a new place for 2 of my girls.
I had been in talks with an organization called Homeward Pet Adoption in Woodinville. They are so packed full of kitties right now, it's actually very sad. Every place I called was just too full and couldn't take any more. Thank goodness they are "no kill" rescue organizations, or those poor cats would be in big trouble!
Anyway, Homeward was unable to take the cats, but it just so happened that the day that I emailed to follow up with them (this had been going on for about a month), a lady had called looking for 2 bonded cats...which is exactly what I had! So, the lady emailed me and that was that!
A few days later Mikaelyn and I went to drop off our babies, Capri & Chloe. Capri has been with me since Anthony's Birthday in 2002 and Chloe has been with me since just after my parents left in July 2006. The two of them get along so well and my greatest wish was that they could stay together...I wouldn't feel so badly having to let them go.
Anyway, the lady and her 16 year old daughter live in Fall City (it was quite the drive) on 8.6 acres with a beautiful 3 stall barn with 3 horses. The barn has a heated, carpeted tack room which is where Chloe and Capri will live. In the winter when it's chilly, they'll stay in the tack room, but as they get comfortable and used to their surroundings, they'll let them roam the barn and then eventually the grounds if they so desire.
So, Friday was a crazy busy day...Work and then a meeting while Mikaelyn had school. We came home to get everything ready for the cats, i.e. medical records, cat tree, cutting their nails etc. We then loaded everything up, including the cats and went to Mikaelyn's pizza party at Round Table Pizza for her preschool. The cats were VERY stressed out...Chloe was hissing like crazy, which she NEVER does and just freaking out.
So, by the time we were done with the party and started driving to Fall City, Chloe was a mess, just so nervous and stressed, the poor baby. When we got to their new home, and set them down in the room, Chloe literally hissed and groaned for about an hour...she started calming down a little bit and wanting to be pet and loved on, but she was NOT a happy camper. This is fairly normal for stressed out animals, they tend to react a little crazy, but still, I felt bad after telling these ladies how sweet the two of them were and how much they love each other and now any time Chloe saw Capri she'd hiss and jump at her, leaving Capri huddled in the corner...ughh!
Anyway, we finally decided it was time to just let them hash it out and Mikaelyn and I needed to head home. Mikaelyn started crying b/c she didn't understand why OUR cats were not coming home with us. Although we had discussed this situation for some time, actually leaving them was a very different story.
On the drive home, I lost it and just felt so badly that I had to give them up...but we know that they are in a good home and as soon as they calm down, they will be very happy. The family bought them toys and treats and warm beds, so they'll be just fine.
On top of surrendering these two, our other cat, Sophie has now been missing since Halloween...yep that's about 10 days now. The neighbor cat chased her away on Halloween and I haven't seen her since. She has done this a few times before, but this is the longest she has been gone and the weather here has been VERY rainy...so we're pretty worried about her. Mikaelyn keeps praying that Jesus will keep her warm and safe and to tell her that we love her...it's very sweet, and very sad at the same time.
So now, after having 4 cats, we're down to 1 (in hopes that Sophie will still return home). It's very quiet in the house, although Asha our lone ranger is definitely still "kitten like", she doesn't have any sisters to pounce on.
So we'll see...we're still praying Sophie comes home, but if not, then we'll probably rescue a kitten in the future...I like to have 2. I feel it's important for the cats to have a play mate, I've always been like that. But for now, we're just loving on Asha, Praying for Sophie and missing Capri & Chloe. I feel like a bit of our family is missing, and that's kind of sad!
I had been in talks with an organization called Homeward Pet Adoption in Woodinville. They are so packed full of kitties right now, it's actually very sad. Every place I called was just too full and couldn't take any more. Thank goodness they are "no kill" rescue organizations, or those poor cats would be in big trouble!
Anyway, Homeward was unable to take the cats, but it just so happened that the day that I emailed to follow up with them (this had been going on for about a month), a lady had called looking for 2 bonded cats...which is exactly what I had! So, the lady emailed me and that was that!
A few days later Mikaelyn and I went to drop off our babies, Capri & Chloe. Capri has been with me since Anthony's Birthday in 2002 and Chloe has been with me since just after my parents left in July 2006. The two of them get along so well and my greatest wish was that they could stay together...I wouldn't feel so badly having to let them go.
Anyway, the lady and her 16 year old daughter live in Fall City (it was quite the drive) on 8.6 acres with a beautiful 3 stall barn with 3 horses. The barn has a heated, carpeted tack room which is where Chloe and Capri will live. In the winter when it's chilly, they'll stay in the tack room, but as they get comfortable and used to their surroundings, they'll let them roam the barn and then eventually the grounds if they so desire.
So, Friday was a crazy busy day...Work and then a meeting while Mikaelyn had school. We came home to get everything ready for the cats, i.e. medical records, cat tree, cutting their nails etc. We then loaded everything up, including the cats and went to Mikaelyn's pizza party at Round Table Pizza for her preschool. The cats were VERY stressed out...Chloe was hissing like crazy, which she NEVER does and just freaking out.
So, by the time we were done with the party and started driving to Fall City, Chloe was a mess, just so nervous and stressed, the poor baby. When we got to their new home, and set them down in the room, Chloe literally hissed and groaned for about an hour...she started calming down a little bit and wanting to be pet and loved on, but she was NOT a happy camper. This is fairly normal for stressed out animals, they tend to react a little crazy, but still, I felt bad after telling these ladies how sweet the two of them were and how much they love each other and now any time Chloe saw Capri she'd hiss and jump at her, leaving Capri huddled in the corner...ughh!
Anyway, we finally decided it was time to just let them hash it out and Mikaelyn and I needed to head home. Mikaelyn started crying b/c she didn't understand why OUR cats were not coming home with us. Although we had discussed this situation for some time, actually leaving them was a very different story.
On the drive home, I lost it and just felt so badly that I had to give them up...but we know that they are in a good home and as soon as they calm down, they will be very happy. The family bought them toys and treats and warm beds, so they'll be just fine.
On top of surrendering these two, our other cat, Sophie has now been missing since Halloween...yep that's about 10 days now. The neighbor cat chased her away on Halloween and I haven't seen her since. She has done this a few times before, but this is the longest she has been gone and the weather here has been VERY rainy...so we're pretty worried about her. Mikaelyn keeps praying that Jesus will keep her warm and safe and to tell her that we love her...it's very sweet, and very sad at the same time.
So now, after having 4 cats, we're down to 1 (in hopes that Sophie will still return home). It's very quiet in the house, although Asha our lone ranger is definitely still "kitten like", she doesn't have any sisters to pounce on.
So we'll see...we're still praying Sophie comes home, but if not, then we'll probably rescue a kitten in the future...I like to have 2. I feel it's important for the cats to have a play mate, I've always been like that. But for now, we're just loving on Asha, Praying for Sophie and missing Capri & Chloe. I feel like a bit of our family is missing, and that's kind of sad!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Halloween 2008
We had a pretty fun Halloween. We went to Bellevue Square to do some Trick or Treating, which could have been better seeing as Mikaelyn was tired and CRANKY, but it was fun none-the-less.
I was fortunate enough to be able to find a sitter for a bit on Halloween night before Anthony came home and got to go out with my friend Heather for a bit. All in all it was a fun night, but I'm glad it's over! :o)
Mikaelyn and her friend Asa
Mikaelyn doing her Daddy's pose...the *wink*
Miyoko (Asa's Mom), Me & Mikaelyn...Obviously Mikaelyn was tired...
Fairy SJ :o)
Me and my wonderful friend Heather
So, as you all know (or SHOULD know), Barack Obama was elected the 44th President last night!!! WOO HOO!!! I am BEYOND thrilled by these events and look forward to these next 4 years watching our nation change for the better!
Last night Anthony went out with some guys to watch the election stuff unfold while Mikaelyn and I went to dance class and then went on a date to Cafe Veloce, our favorite restaurant. Our eyes were glued to the TV at the restaurant, but still enjoyed our time and our noodles! YUM!
When we got home, we realized that he had just gone past 270 and was now our President Elect. Anthony called and we got all excited, but hung up before Mikaelyn had a chance to chime in...so she called him back and said..."HE WON DADDY! BARACK OBAMA WON!!!" Yes, my daughter knows who he is, who Michelle is and of course who his daughters are...she is VERY happy! :o)
Anyway, as I was watching Obama's speach and watching his family walk out on stage, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride and tears of joy started streaming down my face. I started thinking about what just happened, about the history that was just made...AMAZING! I feel like because of that very moment, my daughter who is mixed race will forever know that ANYTHING is possible! If you educate yourself, you work hard and treat people right, you can do anything and be anything that you desire! Barack Obama proved that beyond a shadow of doubt last night. It doesn't matter what your race is, or even your gender...work hard for what you want and the Lord will bless you!
I am one happy Mama today, for more reasons than one. Barack Obama's win is amazing, but what he proved to every minority is a bigger victory and I for one am proud to be an American!!
Last night Anthony went out with some guys to watch the election stuff unfold while Mikaelyn and I went to dance class and then went on a date to Cafe Veloce, our favorite restaurant. Our eyes were glued to the TV at the restaurant, but still enjoyed our time and our noodles! YUM!
When we got home, we realized that he had just gone past 270 and was now our President Elect. Anthony called and we got all excited, but hung up before Mikaelyn had a chance to chime in...so she called him back and said..."HE WON DADDY! BARACK OBAMA WON!!!" Yes, my daughter knows who he is, who Michelle is and of course who his daughters are...she is VERY happy! :o)
Anyway, as I was watching Obama's speach and watching his family walk out on stage, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride and tears of joy started streaming down my face. I started thinking about what just happened, about the history that was just made...AMAZING! I feel like because of that very moment, my daughter who is mixed race will forever know that ANYTHING is possible! If you educate yourself, you work hard and treat people right, you can do anything and be anything that you desire! Barack Obama proved that beyond a shadow of doubt last night. It doesn't matter what your race is, or even your gender...work hard for what you want and the Lord will bless you!
I am one happy Mama today, for more reasons than one. Barack Obama's win is amazing, but what he proved to every minority is a bigger victory and I for one am proud to be an American!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So, I just had to share that I just dropped of my ballot at the post office this afternoon. Yes, I have been registered since I turned 18, but I had not yet voted. I was never informed and just didn't feel like it was necessary for ME to vote.
This year, however it is very different. Thank you to (or possibly just because of) Anthony, I am very well informed this election. Politics is on at our house just about 24/7 and I have learned SO much! I was SO excited to go through the ballot and fill in what I wanted. And I know that my vote DOES count!! This is the first time, but certainly NOT the last!!
So...my question to you is...have you voted?! If not, you NEED to!!!
This year, however it is very different. Thank you to (or possibly just because of) Anthony, I am very well informed this election. Politics is on at our house just about 24/7 and I have learned SO much! I was SO excited to go through the ballot and fill in what I wanted. And I know that my vote DOES count!! This is the first time, but certainly NOT the last!!
So...my question to you is...have you voted?! If not, you NEED to!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Fabulous Friend in Town
Last weekend, a good friend of mine, Nissa was in town with her 2 kiddos. Jaxson is 3 1/2 (same birthday as me!! GO ARIES, April 4th) and Lilly is about 8 months. I hadn't yet met Lilly and I could hardly wait to get that little baby in my arms.
Nissa and I have been friends for almost 10 years now and have been through amazing and amazingly difficult times together. Without getting too deep into her life (not trying to put her business on blast), Nissa had it all...or so it seemed! A wonderful fiance, a new baby, houses, cars, money...and within a few months, she was left with virtually nothing, but her beautiful son and a new little girl on the way (and a wonderful Mother who has always been there for her). I have seen her endure heartbreak after heartbreak and unimaginable pain, but through it all, she has had such a positive outlook on life and love and has been an incredible mother to her 2 GORGEOUS children! Not to mention that this girl is one of the most non-judgemental people I have ever met. Even through all of her trials, she has been there for me to give me advice or just to listen to me. She is loyal and unselfish and I love her deeply! I am so thankful for her and I hope that ALL of you have at least 1 friend (other than a spouse) that will be there for you NO MATTER WHAT! I have that and I am blessed.
While she was in town, we went to Chuck E Cheese, Coulon Beach Park and to the Stocker Farms Pumpkin patch. Mikaelyn and Jaxson just got along so well and Mikaelyn can't stop talking about Lilly and was such a good little mother to her. I only wish they lived closer so the kids could play more often and I could have one of my best friends closer, to be able to talk to her in person!! I love you Niss!!! xoxox

Note to self: Don't try to take a group shot after playing at Chuck E Cheese for 2 hours with 3 children and NO NAPS!!!
Mikaelyn & Lilly...she was such a good psuedo Mommy!
Me & Lilly...look at that face?! And Nissa makes the headbands & hats...they're the new thing!
My lady Nissa & I...I think she's the greatest!
Mikaelyn & Jaxson...new BFF's!
The hamster wheels at Stocker Farms! Mikaelyn & I won!! Nissa attributes it to my long legs!
So attractive! :o) I miss them!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Prayer is a WONDERFUL thing!
Thank you to those of you that prayed for me yesterday and/or today! I can't tell you how much it means to me and it must be working b/c I am starting to feel quite a bit better today.
She was digging for worms! (in a plastic pool set up by the farm). The funniest part about this picture is that right before this, she had accidentally dropped a little dirt on her shoes and just about FREAKED OUT!! I love how CLEAN my child likes to be! :o)
Mikaelyn posing by the Sunflowers.
The issues that I have been dealing with are sadly nothing new to me. When you've been in a "unique" relationship like I have for 9 1/2 years, things become "normal" that shouldn't be and I had to make some strong statements (and actions) in order to try to come to a happy place. This process is going to take a long time, but more than anything, I am trying to save the family that I love and the family that I desire for all of us involved. I don't know what the future holds for Anthony & I...but I am trusting that the Lord will direct me and I am doing my best to look to Him for answers. That's not always easy to do when sometimes He doesn't give me the answers that I want, but I am really trying to listen carefully and obey. Sometimes it's hard to decifer though if it's Him or my heart talking...they sound so similar! :o)
On top of all of that, I have been dealing with a lot of nausea and stomach pain the last few months and finally went to the Dr. yesterday. With a small infection in my uterus (sorry if that's TMI, but it is what it is) and some upper G.I. pain (stress induced ulcer type situation), I was given 2 prescriptions and will hopefully be on my way to feeling better soon. Lord willing.
Today I had a wonderful time taking Mikaelyn to her very first school field trip to the Pumpkin Patch and we brought along a little girl that we're babysitting for today through Friday, about 5 hours each day, named Josie. Mikaelyn had a great time and we brought home 5 little pumpkins...I heard we were actually only supposed to take 1 home, but Mikaelyn had already set her mind on 5, and I wasn't about to deal with a meltdown with 2 kids! How you ladies handle 2 kids...wow, I have much more respect for you after 5 hours of have 2! :o)
Again, thank you so much for your prayers...keep them coming as I don't know what my future holds and I'm still trying to figure out if I made the right decision to continue in the life that we are...
Here are a few pictures of Mikaelyn at the Pumpkin patch.
This would have been such a cute picture if she would have smiled...but this picture does show the little "attitude" that I deal with on a daily basis! Oh the joy of attitude, but like my Daddy says..."that's what you get"!
Mikaelyn and Josie, the little girl that we were babysitting.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Just asking for prayer
Yesterday and today have been very difficult for me. I am dealing with some personal issues that are very painful, confusing and scary. I don't know what the future holds for me and my family, but I know the Lord has His arms around us protecting us, but it is hard to feel that peace when I feel so much pain.
I am sure that in time, I will go deeper into the happenings as of late, but now, all I can ask for is that you pray for me. I need to know the Lord's grace and mercy and I long to feel peace about decisions that are needing to be made in my life.
I know the Lord loves me and I know that He will never give me anything that I can not handle...so in a way, maybe I should feel proud that He thinks I can handle all of this. But the reality of my life at this moment, is that I am hurting and I am just trying to make it to tomorrow, and to be strong for Mikaelyn.
I appreciate your prayers and positive thoughts! :o)
God Bless You!
I am sure that in time, I will go deeper into the happenings as of late, but now, all I can ask for is that you pray for me. I need to know the Lord's grace and mercy and I long to feel peace about decisions that are needing to be made in my life.
I know the Lord loves me and I know that He will never give me anything that I can not handle...so in a way, maybe I should feel proud that He thinks I can handle all of this. But the reality of my life at this moment, is that I am hurting and I am just trying to make it to tomorrow, and to be strong for Mikaelyn.
I appreciate your prayers and positive thoughts! :o)
God Bless You!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Anybody want a Kitty?!
I have come to the realization that I'm going to have to slim down my brood of cats...I'm VERY sad about this and actually having a very difficult time finding a place to surrender these sweet girls as all the no-kill rescue organizations are full.
So, I figured I'd see if anybody is interested in some sweet kitties. All potty trained, good with children and sweet tempered little girls. See my previous post for pictures. Asha, the black one will stay with us, but I think it's going to have to be the other 3 that I need to find homes for.
Sophie loves to be indoor/outdoor while Capri and Chloe prefer to be indoor only, although Capri used to be outdoor only, so she's versatile.
Let me know if you or someone you know might like a cat that is completely trained and again good with kids! :o)
I'm happy to help with purchasing a litter box or food or whatever is needed as long as I know these cats go to good homes.
They are an extension of my family and I have to tell you, I feel ILL over the fact that this is just not working! I was trying to be a good "Mom" to them and feel so sad that this is the outcome.
Let me know if you know someone, or even if you know an adoption organization that might have room for them.
So, I figured I'd see if anybody is interested in some sweet kitties. All potty trained, good with children and sweet tempered little girls. See my previous post for pictures. Asha, the black one will stay with us, but I think it's going to have to be the other 3 that I need to find homes for.
Sophie loves to be indoor/outdoor while Capri and Chloe prefer to be indoor only, although Capri used to be outdoor only, so she's versatile.
Let me know if you or someone you know might like a cat that is completely trained and again good with kids! :o)
I'm happy to help with purchasing a litter box or food or whatever is needed as long as I know these cats go to good homes.
They are an extension of my family and I have to tell you, I feel ILL over the fact that this is just not working! I was trying to be a good "Mom" to them and feel so sad that this is the outcome.
Let me know if you know someone, or even if you know an adoption organization that might have room for them.
Monday, October 13, 2008
New Carpet = New Life?!?!
Well, in my case, yes, it certainly feels that way!
Last week we were able to get all new carpet throughout our home! THANK THE LORD!!! I feel like a brand new woman! :o)
So, over the last few years, I have accumulated a few animals...cats to be specific (and a rabbit). We have 4...I know, I know, it's a lot. But, I have a heart for animals and when I see them in their little cages at Petco or wherever, I just can't help but adopt!
Anyway, on of my sweet little girls (yes, they're ALL girls) decided to start urinating in the hallway...over and over and over and over again! If you know anything about cats, you know that their urine DOES NOT come out of carpet and even if it did, it's in the padding and they just keep going to the same spot. Well, there were about 6 spots in the hallway. I tried every thing to clean it, every possible carpet cleaner, boards up against the wall to try to cover them, it was awful. Ok, maybe that's too much information, but I'm just trying to give you an idea of WHY this was such an awesome thing to get new carpet!
So, the carpet was installed on Thursday and Friday and it gave me the opportunity to re-arrange everything. Mikaelyn's room is now her own little play room, but neat and tidy, just the way we like it. Our room is still calming and relaxing, and just feels so much better with the new carpet. The family room has been rearranged to make it look much more inviting and once we get the fires going is going to be AWESOME!! I'm re-covering my 4 dining room chairs later this evening, so that will make it that much nicer in there and will tie the red couch and red rug under the dining room table all together. I'm SO excited that my home feels like a "home" and not just a house. I feel as if I can really relax again and don't even want to leave, I just want to stay at home and vacuum! LOL!
Anyway, with all of this, now my concern is my 4 beautiful cats. My rabbit (Bianca) is outside and although I would LOVE to get rid of her, she is not very nice and if I were to give her to an organization, my feeling is that they would have to put her down b/c she will bite...that's not fair to her when she can just live on my deck and enjoy her life. But the cats on the other hand...oh man, I'm SO worried that they are going to go back to their old ways. One of them pooped in the hallway last night and all day today I have had a stomach ache fearing that it may be time to downsize. I've sent an email to MEOW Cat Rescue to see what the process is as I need to know that if I do have to get rid of some, that they will go to loving, caring homes and be able to live a happy life, like they have with us.
Now the issue is which ones?! I'm thinking I need to hand over 2 and it is making me ill trying to pick between them. All 4 of them have such special places in my heart and their own personalities. The 2 that I THINK I need to get rid of, I don't want to. Sophie, the one who urinated all over the hallway was one of mine that I adopted. She was abused as a kitten and although she is the sweetest little baby, she is a bit skidish and I worry what will happen if she has to change homes. Not to mention that she is the one that sleeps with Mikaelyn every single night. Carpi, the one that pooped last night, has been with me since 2002. She is the Mama of all of the girls and although I know she will thrive wherever she is, she has been through everything with me the last 6 years. The other 2, Chloe and Asha, haven't done anything wrong, and I just can't bare to get rid of them...Ughh, I'm sick over this...
Anybody have any ideas? Heck, anybody want one of my girls?! :o(
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Weekend of...a lot of shopping!
I go throught phases where I will go to a store and try on tons of clothes, maybe even keep a few in my arms for 30 minutes or so and then end up putting them back and walking out, feeling guilty about spending money on myself when my daughter will need a whole new wardrobe when the next season comes. Then the other phase is going to a store and buying the things I like because...well, because I want to! :o) Doesn't mean I don't still feel guilty, but I also get the feeling that buying myself things that I either desire or actually need is ok because I work hard for my money (I just got that song stuck in my head now after writing that) and every girl deserves a little luxury once in a while.
So, this weekend was one of those buy, buy, buy weekends. A few things for me and a few things for Mikaelyn. I'm sure all you Mother's reading this understand the need for new clothes at the beginning of school, fall, winter, spring, summer, and whatever else we get ourselves into with our kids. Mikaelyn is growing quickly and I realized that her fall/winter clothes from last year either don't fit at all or just look ragged. So, being the bargain shopper that I am (I pride myself of good deals), I found a few new sweaters, shirts, jammies, tights, boots and even a dress for her all at either Ross, Marshalls, or Fred Meyer (I know...kind of crazy that I would find something so cute at Fred Meyer). I had already bought a few pairs of jeans earlier in August/September from Costco, so she was ok in the pants area.
For me...well, I'm a shoe lover! :o) Recently I have gone a little crazy on the shoe buying, but I'm enjoying them thoroughly!!! Some are needed, but most are just for fun. Marshalls has been the recent place for me to buy. They have name brands that are at least 50% off the regular price. Maybe they're last year or last season's style, but I pick and choose carefully and as long as I can work em' ...that's all that matters! :o)
Mikaelyn decided to try one of each of my new pairs of shoes on to model...she loves heels and enjoys helping me pick out which shoes I'm going to wear every day with each outfit. She's a girl after my own heart...although I do believe she is going to cost me a lot of money in the future! :o)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Quick Update
Just for all of you following...still no yelling! :o) Staying strong and keeping calm! YAY!
Friday, September 26, 2008
For some of you, this may sound weird, silly or even unfathomable...but put yourself in a "single-mother's" perspective for a moment and maybe you'll be able to feel the excitement and thrill of today.
I received in the mail today, Mikaelyn's NEW birth certificate! The birth certificate with Anthony's name as the father and with her name legally hyphenated. (I'm just not ready to give up my last name if there isn't a ring on my finger!) :o)
When I found out that I was pregnant, it was a SHOCK to both myself and Anthony...let alone my family! (Birth control pills DO NOT always work, Mikaelyn is living proof of that) Without going into too much detail, throughout the pregnancy, I wasn't sure what Anthony's role would be in Mikaelyn's life as I left it completely up to him how he wanted to move forward. As the birth became closer and more eminent, Anthony started to feel the joy of what having a little girl would be and became very excited about being a Daddy to this little baby girl. Although we decided to co-parent as much as possible (seeing that he didn't live with us and had a busy schedule amongst other things), we also decided that to avoid having to deal with child support and such, we would leave his name off of the birth certificate.
Some may not understand my stance on child support, but I do not want a "pay check" father for my child...I want their time, care and love for my child...money is just money, love is EVERYTHING! Sadly, the State of Washington (and I'm sure many other states), make it very difficult for Father's when it comes to child support and I didn't want that to be a factor in whether my daughter had a father or a "dad". I never wanted her to be the victim of resentful feelings because of the money having to be given.
So for the last 4 years, Mikaelyn has not had anybody listed as her father. It's really not that big of a deal, but it was never far from my mind or my heart. I never felt like she was complete without that name legally on a piece of paper, even though she had a stay at home dad that showed and proved his love for her on a daily basis.
But, with my trip to Uganda coming up, I felt it necessary that I handle some "business" as far providing for my family was concerned. I got myself a life insurance policy in case anything happened to me, I'm also working on finally having my will drawn up and getting Anthony on the birth certificate was at the top of this list. If something happened to me, Mikaelyn would automatically go to my parents. Now, I don't have a problem with this as my parents LOVE Mikaelyn dearly and would raise her with the utmost care and concern for her well being...but I wouldn't want to uproot her and take her away from her Father and the life that she knows. Not now, not after everything we have worked towards the last 4 years. Now, if this happened, Anthony could fight for her (which he would), but he would have to go through hoops to prove paternity and then all kinds of things that I would never want to not only put Mikaelyn through, but make him go through after losing me and possibly losing his daughter.
This may sound all a bit morbid, but when you have a child, you HAVE to think of the future and you have to prepare for the worst at some point.
So, with all of these things in mind, we finally decided to sign the paternity affadavit to prove that Anthony is the father!! After mailing it in a few weeks ago and paying the small fee to not only add him, but to legally hyphenate her name (she can decide what she wants to go by when she grows up), I recieved her "Certificate of Live Birth" today in the mail!
I am beyond thrilled to finally have documentation for my little girl. I feel relieved that if anything were to happen to me, that my family would be taken care of and that there is NO QUESTION who my daughter is and who she belongs to.
Today is a good day...and I'm going to go celebrate with Mikaelyn Joy Groenink-Hodge! :o)
Here we are...The Groenink-Hodge Family! :o)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
6 days and counting...
Having a 4 year old is not always the easiest of things to handle every day, all day. But these last 6 days have been SO much better than any other consecutive 6 days that I have had in a very long time.
Last Thursday evening while Anthony was at work, Mikaelyn and I sat on her bed and had our 1st REAL "Heart to Heart" talk. We talk all the time and we discuss situations and issues often, but this one was different. We sat on the bed holding hands talking about how we are both struggling with our "attitudes". I have found myself to have 2 levels of talking...normal, happy talking and yelling. And Mikaelyn, at this age is really starting to talk back, thinking she's being silly, when in actuality, it's becoming a bit disrespectful, not only to Anthony & I, but it's filtering into her classes and I don't want to have her being disrespectful to her teachers or her classmates.
I never thought I would be that Mom that was yelling all the time, but I found myself getting SO frustrated that she is going through these phases, I didn't know how else to cope. Yelling seemed to give me a sort of release that for a quick moment made me feel better. But I realized when I went to bed every night that the yelling actually made me feel worse b/c I HATE to see my daughter flinch b/c my voice is raised or cry b/c she feels I'm being mean or that I'm mad at her.
Now, let me put this into a perspective so I don't sound like I'm a "softy". Children need to be disciplined and it is imperative that they know who is boss, but there are other ways to go about this then to yell and scream at them b/c really, what does that accomplish?! Well, I found out...it accomplishes NOTHING!
Somone once told me that you need to keep your 'yelling voice' for those times when it is important to yell, such as to scream "GOOD JOB" when they're playing in a soccer game, or better yet, to yell at them if they're in danger of some sort (say a car coming at them in the street). To yell for no reason, or just because I'm frustrated, is no reason to yell at all. And like I said before, the feeling of release of that frustration is only for a moment...then your heart speaks to you and you feel badly for making the poor child feel bad when really, they're learning every day what is right and wrong, and it's our job as parents to teach them those things...not to scream them at them!
So, Mikaelyn and I discussed how it upsets her when I yell and I told her that I am going to really have to work at it, and I may make mistakes, but that I am going to do my very best to not yell at her anymore. I explained to her that if she was naughty, that she would still need to be disciplined b/c that is what Mom's and Dad's do to help teach them the right things to do, but that I was going to try my hardest not to yell. I also told her that if I DID yell, that she should say to me, "Mommy, please don't yell". We also discussed her attitude and the things that she needed to change, such as the talking back. She said she would try hard and that if she did talk back that I could say, "Mikaelyn, please don't talk back and please be respectful". And again, we discussed punishment if she was not able to follow these rules.
So, today, Wednesday is Day 6 of NOT yelling!!! YAY!!!
It may sound terrible and hopefully nobody thinks I'm a terrible Mom for being a "yeller", but hopefully what you'll see through this experience is that we learn by our mistakes. And that is precisely what I am trying to do. I'm not saying I will never yell, b/c these things just happen at times, but I am working hard every day to make our home calmer and therefore more pleasant to be a part of.
Although Mikaelyn is still working on her attitude, I mean, come on, she is only 4 and still testing the waters...I have already seen a dramatic improvement in our communication! We will have road bumps here and there, but I think this is one that is getting smoother every day!
So, here's to the next 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months and 6 years of lowering my voice and communicating with my child! It's what she deserves!!!
Last Thursday evening while Anthony was at work, Mikaelyn and I sat on her bed and had our 1st REAL "Heart to Heart" talk. We talk all the time and we discuss situations and issues often, but this one was different. We sat on the bed holding hands talking about how we are both struggling with our "attitudes". I have found myself to have 2 levels of talking...normal, happy talking and yelling. And Mikaelyn, at this age is really starting to talk back, thinking she's being silly, when in actuality, it's becoming a bit disrespectful, not only to Anthony & I, but it's filtering into her classes and I don't want to have her being disrespectful to her teachers or her classmates.
I never thought I would be that Mom that was yelling all the time, but I found myself getting SO frustrated that she is going through these phases, I didn't know how else to cope. Yelling seemed to give me a sort of release that for a quick moment made me feel better. But I realized when I went to bed every night that the yelling actually made me feel worse b/c I HATE to see my daughter flinch b/c my voice is raised or cry b/c she feels I'm being mean or that I'm mad at her.
Now, let me put this into a perspective so I don't sound like I'm a "softy". Children need to be disciplined and it is imperative that they know who is boss, but there are other ways to go about this then to yell and scream at them b/c really, what does that accomplish?! Well, I found out...it accomplishes NOTHING!
Somone once told me that you need to keep your 'yelling voice' for those times when it is important to yell, such as to scream "GOOD JOB" when they're playing in a soccer game, or better yet, to yell at them if they're in danger of some sort (say a car coming at them in the street). To yell for no reason, or just because I'm frustrated, is no reason to yell at all. And like I said before, the feeling of release of that frustration is only for a moment...then your heart speaks to you and you feel badly for making the poor child feel bad when really, they're learning every day what is right and wrong, and it's our job as parents to teach them those things...not to scream them at them!
So, Mikaelyn and I discussed how it upsets her when I yell and I told her that I am going to really have to work at it, and I may make mistakes, but that I am going to do my very best to not yell at her anymore. I explained to her that if she was naughty, that she would still need to be disciplined b/c that is what Mom's and Dad's do to help teach them the right things to do, but that I was going to try my hardest not to yell. I also told her that if I DID yell, that she should say to me, "Mommy, please don't yell". We also discussed her attitude and the things that she needed to change, such as the talking back. She said she would try hard and that if she did talk back that I could say, "Mikaelyn, please don't talk back and please be respectful". And again, we discussed punishment if she was not able to follow these rules.
So, today, Wednesday is Day 6 of NOT yelling!!! YAY!!!
It may sound terrible and hopefully nobody thinks I'm a terrible Mom for being a "yeller", but hopefully what you'll see through this experience is that we learn by our mistakes. And that is precisely what I am trying to do. I'm not saying I will never yell, b/c these things just happen at times, but I am working hard every day to make our home calmer and therefore more pleasant to be a part of.
Although Mikaelyn is still working on her attitude, I mean, come on, she is only 4 and still testing the waters...I have already seen a dramatic improvement in our communication! We will have road bumps here and there, but I think this is one that is getting smoother every day!
So, here's to the next 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months and 6 years of lowering my voice and communicating with my child! It's what she deserves!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Busy Fall...
I have thought many times about sitting down and "blogging", but for one reason or another, I just haven't done it...no excuses.
The "fall" so far has been fairly busy for us. We started it out by a last minute weekend trip to Long Beach, WA to stay at a
cottage owned by one of the lady's I work for. The trip itself was something we needed and enjoyed thoroughly. Other than the "sneaker wave" that attacked us and made me drop my camera, took Anthony's iPod out to sea, not to mention soaked us and everything we had on the sand. After the initial shock, we realize how hilarious it was, but also how expensive or an encounter it was...oh well, we are all safe and THAT is what really matters.
The only downfall is that a few of the days she can no longer take a nap...this has been a difficult adjustment. Some of my friends have told me that their kids just stop taking naps when they turned 3 or 4 or whenever, but not my child! She takes a nap religiously at 1pm every day! She will sleep anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 hours! She's doing ok, but just having to go to bed earlier than normal and I'm having to keep her a bit more busy in the evenings so that she doesn't doze off.
On top of all of Mikaelyn's activities, I am still working hard, and trying to keep up the household...it seems as if the chores are going by the wayside though...oh well, I'll catch up sooner or later! Looks like we'll be getting brand new carpet in our apartment...so I'm waiting until that happens...ahh, excuses! :o)
Monday, August 25, 2008
The parties are over...
This weekend was...well...interesting.
We finally celebrated Mikaelyn's Birthday party with her friends yesterday. Of course, it POURED down rain, as should be expected when you plan an outdoor party...gotta love Seattle weather! UGHH!
Regardless, the kids had a GREAT time and still played in the play area in the rain! They were all soaked, but they didn't care!
As for the rest of the party...well, let see...the cake was BEAUTIFUL, until it realized how humid it was outside and the top layer literally slid off. Luckily it was still in the box so it didn't fall OFF of the cake, but it certainly didn't make it look good. Oh well, it still tasted good! The pizza was good, the chips were good until THEY realized how humid it was (yes, it's humid in Seattle) and kind of got soggy. So, it was a bit stressful on top of all the rain. But, Mikaelyn's dad came to the rescue with a few bottles of wine for us and I seemed to calm down a bit.
All in all, besides the issues stated above, it was a great party & Mikaelyn had a GREAT time!
I'm glad it's over, but feel like somehow, it was pulled off! :o)
Outside of the party, I went and visited Eastlake Community Church in Bothell on Friday for a girlfriends baptism and really enjoyed it, so I went back on Sunday for the morning church service and really liked what I heard. So, we'll see, I might add it on to my places to check out on a more regular basis, we'll see.
This week is looking fairly calm, which is good. Tomorrow we're going to Mikaelyn's montessori school for an open house, so that will be fun and hopefully she'll really start getting excited for school!! Only a few more weeks! YAY!
So, that's about it for now. It's raining again, so I think we're gonna get cozy and just relax tonight after a long weekend!
Just praying for a calm and relaxing week...I NEED IT!
We finally celebrated Mikaelyn's Birthday party with her friends yesterday. Of course, it POURED down rain, as should be expected when you plan an outdoor party...gotta love Seattle weather! UGHH!
Regardless, the kids had a GREAT time and still played in the play area in the rain! They were all soaked, but they didn't care!
As for the rest of the party...well, let see...the cake was BEAUTIFUL, until it realized how humid it was outside and the top layer literally slid off. Luckily it was still in the box so it didn't fall OFF of the cake, but it certainly didn't make it look good. Oh well, it still tasted good! The pizza was good, the chips were good until THEY realized how humid it was (yes, it's humid in Seattle) and kind of got soggy. So, it was a bit stressful on top of all the rain. But, Mikaelyn's dad came to the rescue with a few bottles of wine for us and I seemed to calm down a bit.
All in all, besides the issues stated above, it was a great party & Mikaelyn had a GREAT time!
I'm glad it's over, but feel like somehow, it was pulled off! :o)
Outside of the party, I went and visited Eastlake Community Church in Bothell on Friday for a girlfriends baptism and really enjoyed it, so I went back on Sunday for the morning church service and really liked what I heard. So, we'll see, I might add it on to my places to check out on a more regular basis, we'll see.
This week is looking fairly calm, which is good. Tomorrow we're going to Mikaelyn's montessori school for an open house, so that will be fun and hopefully she'll really start getting excited for school!! Only a few more weeks! YAY!
So, that's about it for now. It's raining again, so I think we're gonna get cozy and just relax tonight after a long weekend!
Just praying for a calm and relaxing week...I NEED IT!
Friday, August 22, 2008
All I really wanted to say was that...THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY! This has been a LONG week and I just know it's going to be a long weekend with Mikaelyn's Birthday party on Sunday!
Tonight we're going to my friend Brenda's baptism and Eastlake Community Church and I'm really looking forward to that. I think we have a pretty easy day tomorrow...probably should clean..."Should" being the key word. Then Sunday, we have church and then I have to try to put everything together for Mikaelyn's party.
We had to change the venue as the weather really doesn't look like it's supposed to hold up too well...but I'm ok with it.
A few days after I sent out the invitations to everybody, Anthony told me that he had found this really cool spot that would be PERFECT for a birthday party etc. etc. I was like, REALLY?! You couldn't have told me BEFORE I sent the invites out?! UGHH! Anyway, he took me by the place and he was RIGHT, it's PERFECT! AND, undercover. So, given the fact that the weather is supposed to "drizzle" as we say in WA, I emailed everyone and told them the new venue. It's a park called Grasslawn Park which I remember going to as a little girl with the church. They have re-done everything and this area that we're going to be in is a building that opens up completely and there are tables inside and outside so it's very open, yet covered. Just outside of the building is a play area for the kids, a basketball hoop and a large grassy area for the kids to play. I think it's going to be perfect and with as many kids that are going to be there (I think 8) plus adults, it will be wonderful! I can hardly wait and I'm extra happy that Anthony will be able to make it to this party. Life is different for us these days and I know that it will be very special for Mikaelyn to have both of us there this year! :o)
I have the decorations (ALL dark pink...of course) and ordered the cake (Sleeping beauty...of course) and just have to have the pizza picked up of Sunday...the kids will play, the adults will chat and it will be a good time! I'm excited!
So, have a wonderful weekend and I'll post more pictures of the party next week!
Be Blessed...
Tonight we're going to my friend Brenda's baptism and Eastlake Community Church and I'm really looking forward to that. I think we have a pretty easy day tomorrow...probably should clean..."Should" being the key word. Then Sunday, we have church and then I have to try to put everything together for Mikaelyn's party.
We had to change the venue as the weather really doesn't look like it's supposed to hold up too well...but I'm ok with it.
A few days after I sent out the invitations to everybody, Anthony told me that he had found this really cool spot that would be PERFECT for a birthday party etc. etc. I was like, REALLY?! You couldn't have told me BEFORE I sent the invites out?! UGHH! Anyway, he took me by the place and he was RIGHT, it's PERFECT! AND, undercover. So, given the fact that the weather is supposed to "drizzle" as we say in WA, I emailed everyone and told them the new venue. It's a park called Grasslawn Park which I remember going to as a little girl with the church. They have re-done everything and this area that we're going to be in is a building that opens up completely and there are tables inside and outside so it's very open, yet covered. Just outside of the building is a play area for the kids, a basketball hoop and a large grassy area for the kids to play. I think it's going to be perfect and with as many kids that are going to be there (I think 8) plus adults, it will be wonderful! I can hardly wait and I'm extra happy that Anthony will be able to make it to this party. Life is different for us these days and I know that it will be very special for Mikaelyn to have both of us there this year! :o)
I have the decorations (ALL dark pink...of course) and ordered the cake (Sleeping beauty...of course) and just have to have the pizza picked up of Sunday...the kids will play, the adults will chat and it will be a good time! I'm excited!
So, have a wonderful weekend and I'll post more pictures of the party next week!
Be Blessed...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
An update on Uganda
I just wanted to give a quick update to those that are interested in my Uganda trip. Due to my leader coming home from Sudan with an unknown virus (in the infectious diseases unit at UW Medical for a few days), we have had to postpone the trip. We originally were thinking that we would go in late January until we talked to the people with Action International (The organization we're working with). They said that January/February is the HOT SEASON meaning it's about 120 degrees a day. They said that the African's don't even move as they're just trying to survive the heat and on top of that, it's just a petrie dish for disease & sickness...so we don't want to do that!
So, because of this, it looks like the trip is now set for March 27-April 10. So, I'll be in Africa over my Birthday, but seriously, how cool is that?!
Initially I was disappointed as I am just SO looking forward to this trip, but now, as I think about it, this can only benefit us! We'll have more time to raise funds and prepare our hearts, minds and spirits for what the Lord is going to do with us.
What is so interesting to me is that originally I had decided against going to Uganda, back in May. My leader (Ray) had said, come to a meeting and bring the application and if we're interested in future dates, just write that on top of the application...so that's exactly what I did. I wrote "INTERESTED IN FUTURE DATES" on the top of my completed application. Then, throughout the meeting, I felt the sense that I need to go on THIS trip, with THESE people...and now look at this...I'm going on THIS trip at a future date! Isn't God creative?! How awesome is that!!!
So, because of this, it looks like the trip is now set for March 27-April 10. So, I'll be in Africa over my Birthday, but seriously, how cool is that?!
Initially I was disappointed as I am just SO looking forward to this trip, but now, as I think about it, this can only benefit us! We'll have more time to raise funds and prepare our hearts, minds and spirits for what the Lord is going to do with us.
What is so interesting to me is that originally I had decided against going to Uganda, back in May. My leader (Ray) had said, come to a meeting and bring the application and if we're interested in future dates, just write that on top of the application...so that's exactly what I did. I wrote "INTERESTED IN FUTURE DATES" on the top of my completed application. Then, throughout the meeting, I felt the sense that I need to go on THIS trip, with THESE people...and now look at this...I'm going on THIS trip at a future date! Isn't God creative?! How awesome is that!!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
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