Monday, March 23, 2009


I can hardly believe that Mikaelyn and I are heading out in 2 days! WOW! I have A LOT to do today...mainly packing! Tomorrow I work, hang out with my family (sister and nephews and brother and nieces) and then small group, then home...then up EARLY to go to the airport! I can hardly believe it's actually here, well, just about!
This past Friday our team put on Game On! Africa - Hero's in Action. A fundraiser with Bingo, food, a silent auction and children's activities. It was a huge success (although extremely tiring) and we are very happy with the outcome! Yesterday (Sunday), Pastor Gary (the pastor at Westminster) prayed a commissioning prayer for our team at all 3 services. Tell the congregation about where we were going and also telling of the desperate need that Action International has right now for funds. We had AMAZING donations yesterday and our team is completely humbled by the outpouring of love and money from all the people that want to help. We are able to bring money to help pay for school for MANY children for probably 2 semesters and give money to Jerry and Candice Bingham (the missionaries we'll be working with) for supplies or whatever else they need.
I was overwhelmed by emotion watching the Lord work in the hearts of the people that heard about what we were doing and I, as I said before and completely humbled by the Lord's power! He is SO good and I feel honored to be a part of this team going to Uganda!
After a wonderful dinner with Anthony and Mikaelyn last night, getting ready today and seeing family tomorrow, I feel like I'm ready...well as ready as I'm going to be!
Please pray for me and my team as we travel and are in country for the next few weeks!
Love to you all and thanks so much for all your support!!

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