Well, Mikaelyn and I made it safely to Michigan and have had a very nice, relaxing few days here with Grandma & Papa. I fly out tonight at about 7:45 to fly to Chicago, then a little more than 3 hours in O'Hare airport and then off to London. I'll be in London for about 2 hours by myself and then my team will arrive and I think we have about 7 hours together there. Hopefully we'll get out of the airport and maybe jump on the tube and tour London a bit. Then we'll be off to Entebbe, Uganda in Africa! We arrive about 8:30am on Sunday morning and go straight to church.
I can hardly believe that this day is actually here. It's a very surreal feeling since I have been planning this for SO long, it just seems unreal! I'm excited, but calm, and hope to stay that way! :o) I bet that it will be a different feeling when I meet up with my team and we're all together again...for 2 weeks! ;o)
Please keep me and my team in your prayers as we travel and are in country! I don't know if I'll be able to blog for a few weeks...I know there's a way to do it through my phone, but don't know if I can figure it out! HA! We'll see!
Blessings to you all and don't forget to pray!! xoxo
A brief look into my life as a Mother, a friend and a companion
Friday, March 27, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
I can hardly believe that Mikaelyn and I are heading out in 2 days! WOW! I have A LOT to do today...mainly packing! Tomorrow I work, hang out with my family (sister and nephews and brother and nieces) and then small group, then home...then up EARLY to go to the airport! I can hardly believe it's actually here, well, just about!
This past Friday our team put on Game On! Africa - Hero's in Action. A fundraiser with Bingo, food, a silent auction and children's activities. It was a huge success (although extremely tiring) and we are very happy with the outcome! Yesterday (Sunday), Pastor Gary (the pastor at Westminster) prayed a commissioning prayer for our team at all 3 services. Tell the congregation about where we were going and also telling of the desperate need that Action International has right now for funds. We had AMAZING donations yesterday and our team is completely humbled by the outpouring of love and money from all the people that want to help. We are able to bring money to help pay for school for MANY children for probably 2 semesters and give money to Jerry and Candice Bingham (the missionaries we'll be working with) for supplies or whatever else they need.
I was overwhelmed by emotion watching the Lord work in the hearts of the people that heard about what we were doing and I, as I said before and completely humbled by the Lord's power! He is SO good and I feel honored to be a part of this team going to Uganda!
After a wonderful dinner with Anthony and Mikaelyn last night, getting ready today and seeing family tomorrow, I feel like I'm ready...well as ready as I'm going to be!
Please pray for me and my team as we travel and are in country for the next few weeks!
Love to you all and thanks so much for all your support!!
This past Friday our team put on Game On! Africa - Hero's in Action. A fundraiser with Bingo, food, a silent auction and children's activities. It was a huge success (although extremely tiring) and we are very happy with the outcome! Yesterday (Sunday), Pastor Gary (the pastor at Westminster) prayed a commissioning prayer for our team at all 3 services. Tell the congregation about where we were going and also telling of the desperate need that Action International has right now for funds. We had AMAZING donations yesterday and our team is completely humbled by the outpouring of love and money from all the people that want to help. We are able to bring money to help pay for school for MANY children for probably 2 semesters and give money to Jerry and Candice Bingham (the missionaries we'll be working with) for supplies or whatever else they need.
I was overwhelmed by emotion watching the Lord work in the hearts of the people that heard about what we were doing and I, as I said before and completely humbled by the Lord's power! He is SO good and I feel honored to be a part of this team going to Uganda!
After a wonderful dinner with Anthony and Mikaelyn last night, getting ready today and seeing family tomorrow, I feel like I'm ready...well as ready as I'm going to be!
Please pray for me and my team as we travel and are in country for the next few weeks!
Love to you all and thanks so much for all your support!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
A trip to the Doctor
So, I did what I felt was the right thing and went to the Dr. yesterday to check out what this funky feeling in my chest was. I wasn't real excited about it, but felt that with my upcoming trip out of the country, it's probably best that I make sure everything is okay.
I went to see a NP (Nurse Practitioner). Normally this feels and seems no different than seeing an actual MD. However, yesterday, her little computer that they now use (no more writing on your large color coded chart) decided to start acting up and didn't want to work. So, she literally sat there for like 5 minutes talking to herself how she was going to throw a little temper tantrum and then every once in a while throw in a "well, that is really strange what you're feeling" or a "do you feel it right now?" question. Then she decided to pay attention to me and ask me what was going on, listen to my heart and order an EKG...that was it!! Ughh, I was so annoyed!
So, SHE diagnosed me as having an acid reflux flare up...uhh, you dimwit...that's NOT what I was feeling. So, I diagnosed myself as having an anxiety attack (attack being used lightly here). Had she asked me some more questions about what was going on with me emotionally in my home life, work, anything outside of my trip (which I did manage to throw in there), I think she may have taken a bit of a different approach.
But, whatever, the EKG came out normal which means my heart is fine, which is always good to know. She gave me some prevacid for my acid reflux which can never hurt since I deal with it every day and I will just figure out a way to calm my emotional issues within me.
I honestly believe that as soon as I get on the plane out of Washington my stress level will decrease. It has been a rough few weeks and I am ready to get away and regroup my life!
Today I feel a little better. I feel like I can breathe a little easier and know that after our big event Game on! Africa tonight, I will be able to breathe a little sigh of relief that it's over as well, only adding to the de-stressing!
Thanks to those of you who prayed for me and keep praying that I'll start to feel a little more normal, especially leaving the country 1 week from today!! YAY!
I went to see a NP (Nurse Practitioner). Normally this feels and seems no different than seeing an actual MD. However, yesterday, her little computer that they now use (no more writing on your large color coded chart) decided to start acting up and didn't want to work. So, she literally sat there for like 5 minutes talking to herself how she was going to throw a little temper tantrum and then every once in a while throw in a "well, that is really strange what you're feeling" or a "do you feel it right now?" question. Then she decided to pay attention to me and ask me what was going on, listen to my heart and order an EKG...that was it!! Ughh, I was so annoyed!
So, SHE diagnosed me as having an acid reflux flare up...uhh, you dimwit...that's NOT what I was feeling. So, I diagnosed myself as having an anxiety attack (attack being used lightly here). Had she asked me some more questions about what was going on with me emotionally in my home life, work, anything outside of my trip (which I did manage to throw in there), I think she may have taken a bit of a different approach.
But, whatever, the EKG came out normal which means my heart is fine, which is always good to know. She gave me some prevacid for my acid reflux which can never hurt since I deal with it every day and I will just figure out a way to calm my emotional issues within me.
I honestly believe that as soon as I get on the plane out of Washington my stress level will decrease. It has been a rough few weeks and I am ready to get away and regroup my life!
Today I feel a little better. I feel like I can breathe a little easier and know that after our big event Game on! Africa tonight, I will be able to breathe a little sigh of relief that it's over as well, only adding to the de-stressing!
Thanks to those of you who prayed for me and keep praying that I'll start to feel a little more normal, especially leaving the country 1 week from today!! YAY!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Chest Pain?! WTH?!
So, yesterday afternoon I started having terrible chest pain...which I THOUGHT was heart burn. My wonderful and Grandpa and Daddy were so kind of pass along the Groenink trait of terrible heart burn, Thank you ever so much! Tums are my BEST friend and in all honesty, I do not go ANYWHERE without a little pack in my purse.
This is something I deal with on a daily basis and it's not usually too bad...it's nothing like my Dad goes through, that's for sure! I've found what helps alleviate the pain and I stick with it.
But yesterday was different...it wasn't really "heartburn", but more like a terrible ache. I popped a few tums hoping that would help, tried to eat some dinner, which didn't work too well and went to bed about 8:30 (like asleep, not just laying in bed).
I woke up this morning STILL feeling this aching in my chest and told Anthony. He asked if I had pain in my arm...well, yes, I have had this weird pain in my left elbow for the past week or so, just a random achyness. Then he asked if I had shortness of breath...last night, I was having a weird dream and I couldn't breath, I had to go outside to try to catch my breath and breathe normally...I'm still feeling this sort of chlostrophobic feeling inside my chest/stomach. Very acidic in my upper gut. So weird! The pain in my arm isn't shooting into my chest or anything, it's just there.
Perfect timing right?! Only a few days from leaving the country?!? Geesh!
Anyway, I'm fully annoyed right now...just had to share! :o)
This is something I deal with on a daily basis and it's not usually too bad...it's nothing like my Dad goes through, that's for sure! I've found what helps alleviate the pain and I stick with it.
But yesterday was different...it wasn't really "heartburn", but more like a terrible ache. I popped a few tums hoping that would help, tried to eat some dinner, which didn't work too well and went to bed about 8:30 (like asleep, not just laying in bed).
I woke up this morning STILL feeling this aching in my chest and told Anthony. He asked if I had pain in my arm...well, yes, I have had this weird pain in my left elbow for the past week or so, just a random achyness. Then he asked if I had shortness of breath...last night, I was having a weird dream and I couldn't breath, I had to go outside to try to catch my breath and breathe normally...I'm still feeling this sort of chlostrophobic feeling inside my chest/stomach. Very acidic in my upper gut. So weird! The pain in my arm isn't shooting into my chest or anything, it's just there.
Perfect timing right?! Only a few days from leaving the country?!? Geesh!
Anyway, I'm fully annoyed right now...just had to share! :o)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Invisible Children
Last night, I sat and watched 3 different videos about the Invisible Children of Uganda. I had Mikaelyn watch them with me, and although part way through I questioned whether these were appropriate for her to be watching, the reality is that this is REAL life!! As difficult and sad as it is to watch the terribly difficult life these young children have to live, if I were to not allow her to learn and understand what is going on in Uganda, I would be just another person turning a blind eye therefore validating that these are "Invisible Children".
I REFUSE to turn that blind eye and that is WHY I am going to Uganda. No matter how difficult the circumstances may be and how hard it will be to actually experience these type of situations, one person CAN make a difference and I'm going to do what ever I can to be that one person. I believe that my teammates are 6 others that feel the same way.
If you don't know what or WHO these Invisible Children are, you NEED to!! Go to www.invisiblechildren.com and take a few minutes to think about what YOU can do to help.
I couldn't sleep last night, not because of nightmares, but because I was so disturbed by my selfishness and the poverty that surrounds our country and what LITTLE we do about it.
I pray that this trip will change me in a way that I can't imagine because I have SO much and I don't appreciate it...and I NEED TO!
I REFUSE to turn that blind eye and that is WHY I am going to Uganda. No matter how difficult the circumstances may be and how hard it will be to actually experience these type of situations, one person CAN make a difference and I'm going to do what ever I can to be that one person. I believe that my teammates are 6 others that feel the same way.
If you don't know what or WHO these Invisible Children are, you NEED to!! Go to www.invisiblechildren.com and take a few minutes to think about what YOU can do to help.
I couldn't sleep last night, not because of nightmares, but because I was so disturbed by my selfishness and the poverty that surrounds our country and what LITTLE we do about it.
I pray that this trip will change me in a way that I can't imagine because I have SO much and I don't appreciate it...and I NEED TO!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Specific Prayers
I figured I would write down a few specific things that you can pray for while I'm preparing for this adventure and also while I'm there.
1) Please pray for safe travel and the health and safety of the entire team. I'm meeting the team in London which makes me much less nervous that I don't have to fly into Africa alone.
2) Pray that the Lord will work in and through us to touch the lives of these incredible people that so desperately need His love.
3) Pray for safety while we are in Uganda. Although we are in an area that is considered 'safe', Gulu, Uganda is a very war torn area and you just never know.
4) Please pray that Mikaelyn will be a good girl for her Grandma and Papa.
5) Pray for my parents strength as they haven't had a 4 year old all to themselves since my younger brother was that age...I don't think they even know what they're in store for.
6) Pray for my teammate Leslie who broke her foot a few weeks ago and will be wearing a 'boot' most of the time that we are there...praise God that she can leave it in Uganda. Hopefully it will be a blessing to the staff there for someone else who may need it in the future.
7) Pray for our leader Ray as he and his wife have both been laid off from their jobs due to economic issues. He knows this is where the Lord wants him to be...he is a true inspiration for those of us going. Pray the Lord will bless him and his family for doing His will even in difficult times
8) Pray that my heart will be open to whatever the Lord has in store for me. Pray I will put aside my selfish ways and be fully useable in whatever way needed not only while I'm there, but in all of my life.
I know the Lord is on our side and believe completely that He has called each of the 7 of us to go to Uganda to do His work. I feel blessed to be going with the 6 other people that are committed to this trip. Ray, Gretchen, Leslie, Ben, Tami & Dom, I am so excited to be a part of this team with you all and I thank God for putting each of you in my life! We're almost there!! YAY!!
1) Please pray for safe travel and the health and safety of the entire team. I'm meeting the team in London which makes me much less nervous that I don't have to fly into Africa alone.
2) Pray that the Lord will work in and through us to touch the lives of these incredible people that so desperately need His love.
3) Pray for safety while we are in Uganda. Although we are in an area that is considered 'safe', Gulu, Uganda is a very war torn area and you just never know.
4) Please pray that Mikaelyn will be a good girl for her Grandma and Papa.
5) Pray for my parents strength as they haven't had a 4 year old all to themselves since my younger brother was that age...I don't think they even know what they're in store for.
6) Pray for my teammate Leslie who broke her foot a few weeks ago and will be wearing a 'boot' most of the time that we are there...praise God that she can leave it in Uganda. Hopefully it will be a blessing to the staff there for someone else who may need it in the future.
7) Pray for our leader Ray as he and his wife have both been laid off from their jobs due to economic issues. He knows this is where the Lord wants him to be...he is a true inspiration for those of us going. Pray the Lord will bless him and his family for doing His will even in difficult times
8) Pray that my heart will be open to whatever the Lord has in store for me. Pray I will put aside my selfish ways and be fully useable in whatever way needed not only while I'm there, but in all of my life.
I know the Lord is on our side and believe completely that He has called each of the 7 of us to go to Uganda to do His work. I feel blessed to be going with the 6 other people that are committed to this trip. Ray, Gretchen, Leslie, Ben, Tami & Dom, I am so excited to be a part of this team with you all and I thank God for putting each of you in my life! We're almost there!! YAY!!
Getting SO close!
I can hardly believe we're down to 9 days until we leave! This has been such a long process, having started the initial thoughts about Uganda in May of 2007 and following through on my call there soon after. The Lord is doing amazing things in my heart and I believe in the hearts of my teammates and hopefully in the hearts of those that we will be working with.
The last week was a difficult week for me. Work was very busy, my mind was rapidly filling with things I needed to take care of before I left and all the sudden I became overwhelmed almost to the point of feeling chlostrophobic...it was a very uncomfortable feeling. So, with all those feelings building up, I decided to start making lists (thanks Jenni Clayville for always talking about your OCD in organizing...it inspired me!) So, I have a folder filled with lists of things I need to buy, things I need to bring to Uganda, things I need to bring to Michigan for me and then another one of things I need to bring for Mikaelyn. Then there's a list of items that I needed to discuss with Anthony, so I made him dinner and sat him down and went through each item! It was actually quite comical when I think about it...it was almost like a "meeting" about what his "job" was while we're away! HA! Yeah, well, we'll see how that goes! ;o) Actually, I'm fully blessed to have him around to handle affairs while we're away and I'm VERY thankful that he's been so willing to help out, even if he doesn't really know or understand what I'm doing. Life at home may not always be easy, but I really do feel blessed that Mikaelyn has a father that loves and adores her...not all little girls are that lucky especially given our 10 year history!
So, this weekend I spent a lot of time shopping, ughh! I mean, I like shopping, but I HATE spending money. But, I feel I was very successful and only have a few things left on my list of items to purchase, THANK GOODNESS! Everything seems to be coming together finally and although I have clothes and Uganda items piled up on my dresser, I will soon be putting them in a suitcase which is SO exciting!
God is so good and I am so anxious to see what He is going to do in my life and the lives of my teammates and those in Uganda!
The last week was a difficult week for me. Work was very busy, my mind was rapidly filling with things I needed to take care of before I left and all the sudden I became overwhelmed almost to the point of feeling chlostrophobic...it was a very uncomfortable feeling. So, with all those feelings building up, I decided to start making lists (thanks Jenni Clayville for always talking about your OCD in organizing...it inspired me!) So, I have a folder filled with lists of things I need to buy, things I need to bring to Uganda, things I need to bring to Michigan for me and then another one of things I need to bring for Mikaelyn. Then there's a list of items that I needed to discuss with Anthony, so I made him dinner and sat him down and went through each item! It was actually quite comical when I think about it...it was almost like a "meeting" about what his "job" was while we're away! HA! Yeah, well, we'll see how that goes! ;o) Actually, I'm fully blessed to have him around to handle affairs while we're away and I'm VERY thankful that he's been so willing to help out, even if he doesn't really know or understand what I'm doing. Life at home may not always be easy, but I really do feel blessed that Mikaelyn has a father that loves and adores her...not all little girls are that lucky especially given our 10 year history!
So, this weekend I spent a lot of time shopping, ughh! I mean, I like shopping, but I HATE spending money. But, I feel I was very successful and only have a few things left on my list of items to purchase, THANK GOODNESS! Everything seems to be coming together finally and although I have clothes and Uganda items piled up on my dresser, I will soon be putting them in a suitcase which is SO exciting!
God is so good and I am so anxious to see what He is going to do in my life and the lives of my teammates and those in Uganda!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
So many blessings amongst the stress
Well, it's now down to 19 days before Mikaelyn and I head to Michigan and teach Grandma how to do her hair...and then 21 days until I leave for Uganda. Yes, I am officially stressing myself out now!
We have a big event that we're putting on called Game On! Africa Heroes in Action. I'm in charge of the children for this 4 hour event. I don't know why this is so nerve wracking for me...it's not like it's rocket science, but for some reason just the thought of this event gives me a stomach ache. I finally sat down the other night and wrote out a schedule of the evening for the kids, in HOPES that most of them will actually sit and watch the movie in the children's theater (Madagascar and Madagascar Escape 2 Africa...sticking with the African theme). We're going to have face painting (still looking for the painters) and popcorn and sno cone sales going on. I mean, seriously, it's not like I'm having to fully entertain all these kids for 4 hours, but for some reason it is freaking me out!
Anyway, I need to really wrap my brain around it all and just take it all one moment at a time b/c otherwise I think I just might go insane! Poor Mikaelyn is getting the wrath of my stress and that is just unacceptable and I've had to apologize to both her and Anthony for my not-so-kind attitude. It's going to be an amazing event and I'm so excited to be a part of it. I just think on top of leaving and getting everything ready, it's just a lot to handle, for me. But I have awesome teammates that are keeping me motivated...so I just gotta keep on keepin' on!
With all of the stress though, I have found another "virtual assisting" position that I started last week that I am VERY please about. It is bringing the extra money that I need each week and will help me out so much. The gentleman I'm working with is awesome and I just know that the Lord has orchestrated this all for me... He is just so amazing!
So, for now, I'm focusing on each moment as much as possible to try to get myself through until I leave...it's a challenge, but I know the Lord will help me! :o)
We have a big event that we're putting on called Game On! Africa Heroes in Action. I'm in charge of the children for this 4 hour event. I don't know why this is so nerve wracking for me...it's not like it's rocket science, but for some reason just the thought of this event gives me a stomach ache. I finally sat down the other night and wrote out a schedule of the evening for the kids, in HOPES that most of them will actually sit and watch the movie in the children's theater (Madagascar and Madagascar Escape 2 Africa...sticking with the African theme). We're going to have face painting (still looking for the painters) and popcorn and sno cone sales going on. I mean, seriously, it's not like I'm having to fully entertain all these kids for 4 hours, but for some reason it is freaking me out!
Anyway, I need to really wrap my brain around it all and just take it all one moment at a time b/c otherwise I think I just might go insane! Poor Mikaelyn is getting the wrath of my stress and that is just unacceptable and I've had to apologize to both her and Anthony for my not-so-kind attitude. It's going to be an amazing event and I'm so excited to be a part of it. I just think on top of leaving and getting everything ready, it's just a lot to handle, for me. But I have awesome teammates that are keeping me motivated...so I just gotta keep on keepin' on!
With all of the stress though, I have found another "virtual assisting" position that I started last week that I am VERY please about. It is bringing the extra money that I need each week and will help me out so much. The gentleman I'm working with is awesome and I just know that the Lord has orchestrated this all for me... He is just so amazing!
So, for now, I'm focusing on each moment as much as possible to try to get myself through until I leave...it's a challenge, but I know the Lord will help me! :o)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Missing Grandma & Papa

SERIOUSLY?!?! I mean, SWEET...but can you say DRAMA QUEEN?! Good grief! We'll be there in 3 weeks! :o)
PS...yes those are french braids in her hair (after all day of playing...so excuse the frizz). It ain't easy to do that with all her curls, but I'm getting the hang of it! :o)
Lists, Lists, Lists
I've spent the last 2 hours writing lists like crazy! I've had all these things roaming around in my head that I keep feeling so overwhelmed by all the things that need to be done before we leave (in 22 days).
Let me just notate that this was not 2 hours of quiet time to focus, this was 2 hours, sitting at the dinner table literally feeding my daughter spaghetti! Bite after Bite, ughh! At least she DID eat it all!
Anyway, I made lists for items to bring to Michigan for Mikaelyn, items to bring to Michigan for me, Items to bring to Uganda and of course items to BUY...yeah, that one kind of bugs me! :o( Too many things that I still need to get...but I DO still have a little time, so the fact that it's on paper is a good start!
I feel a bit more relaxed now that I have the lists, but a bit more stressed about the things that I still need to get. Oh well, it will all fall into place as long as I keep myself focused and organized...right?!
Jenni Clayville...I wish you were here to use your 'OCD' to help me! LOL! :o)
Let me just notate that this was not 2 hours of quiet time to focus, this was 2 hours, sitting at the dinner table literally feeding my daughter spaghetti! Bite after Bite, ughh! At least she DID eat it all!
Anyway, I made lists for items to bring to Michigan for Mikaelyn, items to bring to Michigan for me, Items to bring to Uganda and of course items to BUY...yeah, that one kind of bugs me! :o( Too many things that I still need to get...but I DO still have a little time, so the fact that it's on paper is a good start!
I feel a bit more relaxed now that I have the lists, but a bit more stressed about the things that I still need to get. Oh well, it will all fall into place as long as I keep myself focused and organized...right?!
Jenni Clayville...I wish you were here to use your 'OCD' to help me! LOL! :o)
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