So this week has been filled with all sorts of feelings and events.
Monday morning started out ugly...that's because I had to finish the remainder of my shots for my Uganda trip. Tetanus went in the left arm and Meningitis and Hep A/B (#2 of 3) went in the right arm. The tetanus hurt like a son of a gun and the Meningitis was AWFUL! It started bleeding down my arm, swelled and bruised before she even took the needle out. After the Dr. took a quick look, and I pressed the swelling down with pressure (which I think pushed the rest of the meds into my arm), I was fine...but VERY, VERY sore. MAN, I HATE SHOTS!
As the day went on, it got better as I landed another part time position being a "virtual assistant" for 10 hours a week...this is EXACTLY what I want and need and I feel very blessed to have found this!
Monday evening my Uganda team had a little get together to just connect on a deeper level outside of our weekly itinerary meetings. The dinner was wonderful, but it did have a little down side. At least one, and possibly two of the ladies that were going to go with us have chosen to not travel with us on this trip. Although I completely respect their decisions, (Africa is not really the place to be traveling while thinking, hmm, I think the Lord may not be calling me here at this time) I am very sad to not have these two ladies with us. We also had a guy tell us last week that he will be unable to go as well, making our team from 10 to 7. I felt the need to tell the rest of the team that I KNOW the Lord has called me to Uganda and I am completely committed to this trip and the work the Lord is going to do in and through me and my team.
The rest of the week just seemed to go by very quickly...lots of work, meetings and working with my little 4 1/2 year old. It was a pretty good week and although I wish I could have just relaxed all day today, I took 4 hours out to CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN my house as my friend Leslie (going to Uganda with me) will be coming over for dinner tonight so that we can get to know each other a little better.
Looking forward to church tomorrow and a Uganda meeting to discuss our GAME ON! AFRICA event on Friday March 20th. (More to come on this).
I'm feeling very blessed this week and continuously feeling like the Lord has His hand on my life and is directing me wherever it is that He wants me, it's a really wonderful and peaceful feeling!
Please pray for my team that the Lord will continue to show Himself to us and for His will to be done with our trip!
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