A brief look into my life as a Mother, a friend and a companion
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Yeah, I didn't even know that was possible on a blog...but apparently it is. I received like 8 emails that there were all these comments on my blogs. I was excited until I realized that they were just spam with like 5 different links to who knows what...ughh, you can't get away from spam anywhere! Grrr!!
A somewhat busy week
So this week has been filled with all sorts of feelings and events.
Monday morning started out ugly...that's because I had to finish the remainder of my shots for my Uganda trip. Tetanus went in the left arm and Meningitis and Hep A/B (#2 of 3) went in the right arm. The tetanus hurt like a son of a gun and the Meningitis was AWFUL! It started bleeding down my arm, swelled and bruised before she even took the needle out. After the Dr. took a quick look, and I pressed the swelling down with pressure (which I think pushed the rest of the meds into my arm), I was fine...but VERY, VERY sore. MAN, I HATE SHOTS!
As the day went on, it got better as I landed another part time position being a "virtual assistant" for 10 hours a week...this is EXACTLY what I want and need and I feel very blessed to have found this!
Monday evening my Uganda team had a little get together to just connect on a deeper level outside of our weekly itinerary meetings. The dinner was wonderful, but it did have a little down side. At least one, and possibly two of the ladies that were going to go with us have chosen to not travel with us on this trip. Although I completely respect their decisions, (Africa is not really the place to be traveling while thinking, hmm, I think the Lord may not be calling me here at this time) I am very sad to not have these two ladies with us. We also had a guy tell us last week that he will be unable to go as well, making our team from 10 to 7. I felt the need to tell the rest of the team that I KNOW the Lord has called me to Uganda and I am completely committed to this trip and the work the Lord is going to do in and through me and my team.
The rest of the week just seemed to go by very quickly...lots of work, meetings and working with my little 4 1/2 year old. It was a pretty good week and although I wish I could have just relaxed all day today, I took 4 hours out to CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN my house as my friend Leslie (going to Uganda with me) will be coming over for dinner tonight so that we can get to know each other a little better.
Looking forward to church tomorrow and a Uganda meeting to discuss our GAME ON! AFRICA event on Friday March 20th. (More to come on this).
I'm feeling very blessed this week and continuously feeling like the Lord has His hand on my life and is directing me wherever it is that He wants me, it's a really wonderful and peaceful feeling!
Please pray for my team that the Lord will continue to show Himself to us and for His will to be done with our trip!
Monday morning started out ugly...that's because I had to finish the remainder of my shots for my Uganda trip. Tetanus went in the left arm and Meningitis and Hep A/B (#2 of 3) went in the right arm. The tetanus hurt like a son of a gun and the Meningitis was AWFUL! It started bleeding down my arm, swelled and bruised before she even took the needle out. After the Dr. took a quick look, and I pressed the swelling down with pressure (which I think pushed the rest of the meds into my arm), I was fine...but VERY, VERY sore. MAN, I HATE SHOTS!
As the day went on, it got better as I landed another part time position being a "virtual assistant" for 10 hours a week...this is EXACTLY what I want and need and I feel very blessed to have found this!
Monday evening my Uganda team had a little get together to just connect on a deeper level outside of our weekly itinerary meetings. The dinner was wonderful, but it did have a little down side. At least one, and possibly two of the ladies that were going to go with us have chosen to not travel with us on this trip. Although I completely respect their decisions, (Africa is not really the place to be traveling while thinking, hmm, I think the Lord may not be calling me here at this time) I am very sad to not have these two ladies with us. We also had a guy tell us last week that he will be unable to go as well, making our team from 10 to 7. I felt the need to tell the rest of the team that I KNOW the Lord has called me to Uganda and I am completely committed to this trip and the work the Lord is going to do in and through me and my team.
The rest of the week just seemed to go by very quickly...lots of work, meetings and working with my little 4 1/2 year old. It was a pretty good week and although I wish I could have just relaxed all day today, I took 4 hours out to CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN my house as my friend Leslie (going to Uganda with me) will be coming over for dinner tonight so that we can get to know each other a little better.
Looking forward to church tomorrow and a Uganda meeting to discuss our GAME ON! AFRICA event on Friday March 20th. (More to come on this).
I'm feeling very blessed this week and continuously feeling like the Lord has His hand on my life and is directing me wherever it is that He wants me, it's a really wonderful and peaceful feeling!
Please pray for my team that the Lord will continue to show Himself to us and for His will to be done with our trip!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Countdown is ON!

I was blessed enough to have a teammate of mine purchase our tickets to and from Michigan yesterday. I was so worried about how I was going to do it and she offered so graciously. The church will reimburse her, but still...it's just humbling to me that she would just offer to do this for me! I'm pretty sure my team is compiled of some of the coolest people EVER! I love them already!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Valentine's Day Wrap Up
Valentine's Day ended up being a pretty decent day. My BFF Heather and her boyfriend Oliver (visiting from Atlanta) came over and brought me flowers and Mikaelyn a stuffed frog and a bunch of stickers...RRRIIIBBBIIITTT!!! (sorry, inside joke). Then, Mikaelyn and I went to go see our cats Chloe & Capri that we gave to a new family a few months back and that was really fun. It was a little sad for me to see that they didn't come to ME, but rather to their new Mom, but I was pleased that they are now completely happy and comfortable in their new home. Capri was off roaming around in the barn, so we only got a glimpse of her, but Chloe definitely remembered us and let me hold her like a baby for a while and purred like crazy for Mikaelyn and I. We miss them, but I am very happy that they are in a great place and I feel blessed to have found such a great home for them!

We came home and had some presents from Daddy...if you know me, he gave me the PERFECT gifts and Mikaelyn just LOVES her doggie...uses it for her pillow every night now! :o)

Auntie Heather and Oliver brought me flowers!
Does Anthony KNOW me or what?! :o)
Mikaelyn showing off her new Froggy and sitckers! RIBBIT!!
Mikaelyn with her new Doggie from Daddy
CUPCAKES! We had fun frosting them...and eating all the frosting!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Wine Tasting Event
"Happy" Valentine's Day??
It's the day when you're supposed to tell the person you love, how MUCH you love them. I've never really understood WHY they would make up such a day. Shouldn't you constantly be telling that person how much you love them? I think so, personally.
Well, today is like any other day to me. Things at home are not really all the great right now, so I've actually been dreading this day...It's one of those days that if you're single, it becomes VERY clear how SINGLE you are. If you're in a relationship, you get treated like a queen for a day (or at least you should be...but refer back to what I said a few lines ago...you should ALWAYS be treated this way). If you're in a relationship and they DON'T treat you like a queen, then you're disappointed. This day has all the makings of a very difficult day for a lot of people, but a wonderful day for others.
Today, Mikaelyn is my Valentine. We made cupcakes last night for her Daddy and then also for Auntie Heather and her boyfriend Oliver. She brought Valentine's to school this past week, which was a first for us. I think we're going to go to visit our kitties that we gave to a new home a few months back, Chloe & Capri. We haven't been to see them since we gave them to the other family because I didn't want to bother them and didn't know if my emotions could take it. But Mikaelyn has been asking about them a lot lately and I've been missing them a lot, so we're just going to go bring them some treats and give them some love. Then the rest of the day is up in the air. We've got church tomorrow, where I'm helping lead worship and then a Uganda meeting after that. We're supposed to go to dinner with Anthony for Valentine's Day (he works tonight, as usual), but we'll see if that happens...like I said, it's been a rough week.
So, for those of you with Valentine, congrats and I hope you're treated like the Queen/King you are and for those of you without a Valentine...enjoy your day and have fun with some friends.
And don't forget...it's just another day! xoxo
Well, today is like any other day to me. Things at home are not really all the great right now, so I've actually been dreading this day...It's one of those days that if you're single, it becomes VERY clear how SINGLE you are. If you're in a relationship, you get treated like a queen for a day (or at least you should be...but refer back to what I said a few lines ago...you should ALWAYS be treated this way). If you're in a relationship and they DON'T treat you like a queen, then you're disappointed. This day has all the makings of a very difficult day for a lot of people, but a wonderful day for others.
Today, Mikaelyn is my Valentine. We made cupcakes last night for her Daddy and then also for Auntie Heather and her boyfriend Oliver. She brought Valentine's to school this past week, which was a first for us. I think we're going to go to visit our kitties that we gave to a new home a few months back, Chloe & Capri. We haven't been to see them since we gave them to the other family because I didn't want to bother them and didn't know if my emotions could take it. But Mikaelyn has been asking about them a lot lately and I've been missing them a lot, so we're just going to go bring them some treats and give them some love. Then the rest of the day is up in the air. We've got church tomorrow, where I'm helping lead worship and then a Uganda meeting after that. We're supposed to go to dinner with Anthony for Valentine's Day (he works tonight, as usual), but we'll see if that happens...like I said, it's been a rough week.
So, for those of you with Valentine, congrats and I hope you're treated like the Queen/King you are and for those of you without a Valentine...enjoy your day and have fun with some friends.
And don't forget...it's just another day! xoxo
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Things have been crazy...
So, it's been a while since my last post and I don't really have a GOOD reason per say...it's just been a crazy week or so.
So for an update, I quit one of my side jobs...I know, WHAT?! QUIT? In THIS economy...yeah, yeah, I know. But when you're being disrespected and attacked personally with regard to my values and character, there is only so much that I am willing to put up with. Nobody deserves to be disrespected by their employer, EVER! I had put up with this for a long time because the job was such a blessing, as a "virtual assistant", that is, I didn't work in the office, but did all the hours (about 10 a week) on my own time, wherever I wanted (usually home). I can say the job was a blessing while I had it (about 2 1/2 years), but a huge weight off my shoulders now that I'm done with it. It has been a bit of a struggle to get over the way that I was treated and how disrespected I felt after such a long time, but in all honesty, I KNOW I deserve better and refuse to be treated like that any longer.
Along with that, I have been slowly getting ready for my Uganda trip. I can't believe it's coming up in like 6 weeks!! I went out with my WONDERFUL sister-in-law (Andrea) and my 6 1/2 year old niece (Ilona) and bought a bunch of material. Andrea is going to GRACIOUSLY give her time to sew 4 dresses and 6 skirts for me to wear while I'm there and then I will leave them with the Action International staff to be given to the women that need clothes. We were lucky enough to find a very simple skirt pattern and an even easier dress that literally you just sew the material up and then add some straps...very easy...well, said by the one who isn't actually sewing (and doesn't know how to)...but I'm TOLD that it's simple. Heck, Andrea finished the 4 dresses by the time I even left their house that evening. Yes, she's really that amazing! I'm so blessed to have such an amazing sister-in-law. I don't know how my brother got her, but he is LUCKY! :o)
Anyway, life as I know it is always changing and adjusting and I'm feeling a bit insecure and nervous, but excited about what the Lord is doing within me. I feel His presence like CRAZY right now and that is what is getting me through the difficult and often times painful days.
I know He has me in His grip and I find comfort in knowing that He is leading me through these days! Blessings on you all! :o)
So for an update, I quit one of my side jobs...I know, WHAT?! QUIT? In THIS economy...yeah, yeah, I know. But when you're being disrespected and attacked personally with regard to my values and character, there is only so much that I am willing to put up with. Nobody deserves to be disrespected by their employer, EVER! I had put up with this for a long time because the job was such a blessing, as a "virtual assistant", that is, I didn't work in the office, but did all the hours (about 10 a week) on my own time, wherever I wanted (usually home). I can say the job was a blessing while I had it (about 2 1/2 years), but a huge weight off my shoulders now that I'm done with it. It has been a bit of a struggle to get over the way that I was treated and how disrespected I felt after such a long time, but in all honesty, I KNOW I deserve better and refuse to be treated like that any longer.
Along with that, I have been slowly getting ready for my Uganda trip. I can't believe it's coming up in like 6 weeks!! I went out with my WONDERFUL sister-in-law (Andrea) and my 6 1/2 year old niece (Ilona) and bought a bunch of material. Andrea is going to GRACIOUSLY give her time to sew 4 dresses and 6 skirts for me to wear while I'm there and then I will leave them with the Action International staff to be given to the women that need clothes. We were lucky enough to find a very simple skirt pattern and an even easier dress that literally you just sew the material up and then add some straps...very easy...well, said by the one who isn't actually sewing (and doesn't know how to)...but I'm TOLD that it's simple. Heck, Andrea finished the 4 dresses by the time I even left their house that evening. Yes, she's really that amazing! I'm so blessed to have such an amazing sister-in-law. I don't know how my brother got her, but he is LUCKY! :o)
Anyway, life as I know it is always changing and adjusting and I'm feeling a bit insecure and nervous, but excited about what the Lord is doing within me. I feel His presence like CRAZY right now and that is what is getting me through the difficult and often times painful days.
I know He has me in His grip and I find comfort in knowing that He is leading me through these days! Blessings on you all! :o)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I'm feeling blessed
I'm laying in bed, watching something dumb on TV...what's new...and I just starting thinking about my day. I started feeling almost emotional about how blessed I'm feeling right now.
My day consisted of waking up early to go to Eastlake Community Church and then going to my older brother Jason's church, First Free Methodist in Seattle (by SPU). Then home for a few minutes and down to a restaurant/bar for a Super Bowl party with a group from Eastlake. I finished by coming home, getting Mikaelyn ready for bed (which she pretty much does on her own...this child LOVES to floss) and then having devotions with her.
I purchased a book yesterday for her called The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers. It is one page that you read to the kids daily (by date). It's a little story with something they can apply to their lives and then a verse and a prayer. I read the story slowely so that she can fully comprehend what it says. The verse I say and she repeats after me and then we say it again so she actually understands it. It's one thing to just read to a 4 year old, it's quite another to make sure they're actually grasping the concept. Then for the prayer, I've been saying it and then she repeats me (it's a simple like 2 sentence rhyme or so) and then I have her pray on her own...say whatever it is that she wants to say to Jesus.
Tonight the devotions talked about being quiet and thinking about Jesus...so I was trying to talk to her and she said, "Mommy, shhh, I'm thinking about Jesus". Yes, I wanted to chuckle, but the fact that she was understanding what I was talking about was just so precious...she actually wanted to sit there and THINK about Jesus.
So, I ask myself this SIMPLE question...when do I think about Jesus? Do I ever just sit in the quiet and think about Him?! I consume my life with busyness and constant noise, do I ever just sit in the quiet and really talk to him? Really get to KNOW who HE is?!
I can say quite honestly, it's been a LONG time since I have done that! I'm not proud of it, but I'm also not going to mask it. Watching how quickly my daughter is growing up is getting me to think about the fact that she needs the foundation of who Christ is and WHY we need Him! I am realizing now, more than ever, how blessed I was to have the constant foundation of Christ's love from the womb. My parents nurtured (and still do to this day) my relationship with Christ as much as they were humanly able.
I'm excited to dig deeper into these devotions with her and hope that you will pray for me that I will stay consistent in this bedtime devotions "ritual". (seems like the wrong word, but I can't seem to think of another one to define my desire)
I'm feeling blessed because I know that as frustrated as I get with Mikaelyn's attitude (she is 4 after all), I have a little girl that is AMAZING and is OPEN and WILLING to learn about the most amazing thing EVER...JESUS CHRIST!! He has saved my soul and I am daily asking for forgiveness for all the things that I have done wrong...and I KNOW that He forgives me!
Our God is an Awesome, He Reigns over Heaven above with Wisdom, Power and Love, Our God is an AWESOME GOD!
My day consisted of waking up early to go to Eastlake Community Church and then going to my older brother Jason's church, First Free Methodist in Seattle (by SPU). Then home for a few minutes and down to a restaurant/bar for a Super Bowl party with a group from Eastlake. I finished by coming home, getting Mikaelyn ready for bed (which she pretty much does on her own...this child LOVES to floss) and then having devotions with her.
I purchased a book yesterday for her called The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers. It is one page that you read to the kids daily (by date). It's a little story with something they can apply to their lives and then a verse and a prayer. I read the story slowely so that she can fully comprehend what it says. The verse I say and she repeats after me and then we say it again so she actually understands it. It's one thing to just read to a 4 year old, it's quite another to make sure they're actually grasping the concept. Then for the prayer, I've been saying it and then she repeats me (it's a simple like 2 sentence rhyme or so) and then I have her pray on her own...say whatever it is that she wants to say to Jesus.
Tonight the devotions talked about being quiet and thinking about Jesus...so I was trying to talk to her and she said, "Mommy, shhh, I'm thinking about Jesus". Yes, I wanted to chuckle, but the fact that she was understanding what I was talking about was just so precious...she actually wanted to sit there and THINK about Jesus.
So, I ask myself this SIMPLE question...when do I think about Jesus? Do I ever just sit in the quiet and think about Him?! I consume my life with busyness and constant noise, do I ever just sit in the quiet and really talk to him? Really get to KNOW who HE is?!
I can say quite honestly, it's been a LONG time since I have done that! I'm not proud of it, but I'm also not going to mask it. Watching how quickly my daughter is growing up is getting me to think about the fact that she needs the foundation of who Christ is and WHY we need Him! I am realizing now, more than ever, how blessed I was to have the constant foundation of Christ's love from the womb. My parents nurtured (and still do to this day) my relationship with Christ as much as they were humanly able.
I'm excited to dig deeper into these devotions with her and hope that you will pray for me that I will stay consistent in this bedtime devotions "ritual". (seems like the wrong word, but I can't seem to think of another one to define my desire)
I'm feeling blessed because I know that as frustrated as I get with Mikaelyn's attitude (she is 4 after all), I have a little girl that is AMAZING and is OPEN and WILLING to learn about the most amazing thing EVER...JESUS CHRIST!! He has saved my soul and I am daily asking for forgiveness for all the things that I have done wrong...and I KNOW that He forgives me!
Our God is an Awesome, He Reigns over Heaven above with Wisdom, Power and Love, Our God is an AWESOME GOD!
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