Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A cool statement

A girlfriend of mine came over to have her son & Mikaelyn play on Monday. She showed up with a t-shirt that she bought for me (I know, she's the sweetest). This is what it says:

ROSA sat so that Martin could walk.
MARTIN walked so that Obama could run.
Obama ran so that Americans could fly.



How cool is that? I was so excited! Anthony is totally jealous and wants to find the store that she got it from so that he can get one for himself. He has a MAJOR man crush on Obama...but I'm okay with it!
It may seem that recently I've posted quite a bit about Obama, but I really am so pleased that he is our 44th President. I have NEVER been into politics and this election, I didn't have a choice. MSNBC was (and still is) on in our home 24/7. I feel like I have learned so much through the whole election process and I am proud to be an American and I am proud that the country spoke and elected Barack Obama.
I am one of those people that has been registered to vote since I turned 18...but I have never voted, until this election. I feel like I was one of those that helped put President Obama in cool is that?
I understand that not everybody agrees with everything that Obama stands for, and I understand that many think McCain would have been better...but the bottom line is this...President Obama is now in office and it's time for us to come TOGETHER to make this country what it should be. Stop with the name calling and the bashing, support our President! I know that I was guilty of not being completely kind about President Bush, and hindsight is always 20/20...but the difference with that, is I lost respect for Bush while he was in office. Obama has just barely started...let's see what happens.
I just want us all to get along. Respect he fact of what I believe in and WHO I believe in, and I will do the same for you!
Be proud of the change that this country has made if nothing else!!

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