The past 4 years have been amazing, difficult, wonderful, frustrating, incredible and life changing. Each day has it's new trials and tribulations but I can not even begin to express my love for this little girl that is everything I never knew I wanted!
As a little girl I told my Mother that I would NEVER have kids...never wanted them, and would never have them! After I found out I was pregnant, everything changed and all it took was to hear this little angel's heartbeat when she was still in my belly. It was as if, at that very moment, the Lord cleared my head and told me that this was my purpose in life...to be this little girl's ever lovin' mother (as my Mom and I say sometimes).
Today, Mikaelyn woke up and was SO excited for it to be her Birthday, finally! She decided that she wanted to go to work with Mommy (only a 4 year old would want to go to work for their birthday! ha). She's now resting (going on 3 hours) and then we'll all get up and Mama, Daddy & 4 year old will go to dinner together. Mikaelyn & I made a chocolate cake yesterday and in just a bit we're going to mix up the frosting to make it "DARK PINK" (her FAVORITE color). It's going to be a great night!!
Anyway, all this to say, I LOVE my daughter and I feel so honored to be given the opportunity to be her care taker, mentor and best of all, family! I only pray that I can be as good of a mother as my mom was to me. What a true blessing to be a part of Mikaelyn life! I am truly, truly blessed!!!!
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