This weekend was...well...interesting.
We finally celebrated Mikaelyn's Birthday party with her friends yesterday. Of course, it POURED down rain, as should be expected when you plan an outdoor party...gotta love Seattle weather! UGHH!
Regardless, the kids had a GREAT time and still played in the play area in the rain! They were all soaked, but they didn't care!
As for the rest of the party...well, let see...the cake was BEAUTIFUL, until it realized how humid it was outside and the top layer literally slid off. Luckily it was still in the box so it didn't fall OFF of the cake, but it certainly didn't make it look good. Oh well, it still tasted good! The pizza was good, the chips were good until THEY realized how humid it was (yes, it's humid in Seattle) and kind of got soggy. So, it was a bit stressful on top of all the rain. But, Mikaelyn's dad came to the rescue with a few bottles of wine for us and I seemed to calm down a bit.
All in all, besides the issues stated above, it was a great party & Mikaelyn had a GREAT time!
I'm glad it's over, but feel like somehow, it was pulled off! :o)
Outside of the party, I went and visited Eastlake Community Church in Bothell on Friday for a girlfriends baptism and really enjoyed it, so I went back on Sunday for the morning church service and really liked what I heard. So, we'll see, I might add it on to my places to check out on a more regular basis, we'll see.
This week is looking fairly calm, which is good. Tomorrow we're going to Mikaelyn's montessori school for an open house, so that will be fun and hopefully she'll really start getting excited for school!! Only a few more weeks! YAY!
So, that's about it for now. It's raining again, so I think we're gonna get cozy and just relax tonight after a long weekend!
Just praying for a calm and relaxing week...I NEED IT!
A brief look into my life as a Mother, a friend and a companion
Monday, August 25, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
All I really wanted to say was that...THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY! This has been a LONG week and I just know it's going to be a long weekend with Mikaelyn's Birthday party on Sunday!
Tonight we're going to my friend Brenda's baptism and Eastlake Community Church and I'm really looking forward to that. I think we have a pretty easy day tomorrow...probably should clean..."Should" being the key word. Then Sunday, we have church and then I have to try to put everything together for Mikaelyn's party.
We had to change the venue as the weather really doesn't look like it's supposed to hold up too well...but I'm ok with it.
A few days after I sent out the invitations to everybody, Anthony told me that he had found this really cool spot that would be PERFECT for a birthday party etc. etc. I was like, REALLY?! You couldn't have told me BEFORE I sent the invites out?! UGHH! Anyway, he took me by the place and he was RIGHT, it's PERFECT! AND, undercover. So, given the fact that the weather is supposed to "drizzle" as we say in WA, I emailed everyone and told them the new venue. It's a park called Grasslawn Park which I remember going to as a little girl with the church. They have re-done everything and this area that we're going to be in is a building that opens up completely and there are tables inside and outside so it's very open, yet covered. Just outside of the building is a play area for the kids, a basketball hoop and a large grassy area for the kids to play. I think it's going to be perfect and with as many kids that are going to be there (I think 8) plus adults, it will be wonderful! I can hardly wait and I'm extra happy that Anthony will be able to make it to this party. Life is different for us these days and I know that it will be very special for Mikaelyn to have both of us there this year! :o)
I have the decorations (ALL dark pink...of course) and ordered the cake (Sleeping beauty...of course) and just have to have the pizza picked up of Sunday...the kids will play, the adults will chat and it will be a good time! I'm excited!
So, have a wonderful weekend and I'll post more pictures of the party next week!
Be Blessed...
Tonight we're going to my friend Brenda's baptism and Eastlake Community Church and I'm really looking forward to that. I think we have a pretty easy day tomorrow...probably should clean..."Should" being the key word. Then Sunday, we have church and then I have to try to put everything together for Mikaelyn's party.
We had to change the venue as the weather really doesn't look like it's supposed to hold up too well...but I'm ok with it.
A few days after I sent out the invitations to everybody, Anthony told me that he had found this really cool spot that would be PERFECT for a birthday party etc. etc. I was like, REALLY?! You couldn't have told me BEFORE I sent the invites out?! UGHH! Anyway, he took me by the place and he was RIGHT, it's PERFECT! AND, undercover. So, given the fact that the weather is supposed to "drizzle" as we say in WA, I emailed everyone and told them the new venue. It's a park called Grasslawn Park which I remember going to as a little girl with the church. They have re-done everything and this area that we're going to be in is a building that opens up completely and there are tables inside and outside so it's very open, yet covered. Just outside of the building is a play area for the kids, a basketball hoop and a large grassy area for the kids to play. I think it's going to be perfect and with as many kids that are going to be there (I think 8) plus adults, it will be wonderful! I can hardly wait and I'm extra happy that Anthony will be able to make it to this party. Life is different for us these days and I know that it will be very special for Mikaelyn to have both of us there this year! :o)
I have the decorations (ALL dark pink...of course) and ordered the cake (Sleeping beauty...of course) and just have to have the pizza picked up of Sunday...the kids will play, the adults will chat and it will be a good time! I'm excited!
So, have a wonderful weekend and I'll post more pictures of the party next week!
Be Blessed...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
An update on Uganda
I just wanted to give a quick update to those that are interested in my Uganda trip. Due to my leader coming home from Sudan with an unknown virus (in the infectious diseases unit at UW Medical for a few days), we have had to postpone the trip. We originally were thinking that we would go in late January until we talked to the people with Action International (The organization we're working with). They said that January/February is the HOT SEASON meaning it's about 120 degrees a day. They said that the African's don't even move as they're just trying to survive the heat and on top of that, it's just a petrie dish for disease & we don't want to do that!
So, because of this, it looks like the trip is now set for March 27-April 10. So, I'll be in Africa over my Birthday, but seriously, how cool is that?!
Initially I was disappointed as I am just SO looking forward to this trip, but now, as I think about it, this can only benefit us! We'll have more time to raise funds and prepare our hearts, minds and spirits for what the Lord is going to do with us.
What is so interesting to me is that originally I had decided against going to Uganda, back in May. My leader (Ray) had said, come to a meeting and bring the application and if we're interested in future dates, just write that on top of the that's exactly what I did. I wrote "INTERESTED IN FUTURE DATES" on the top of my completed application. Then, throughout the meeting, I felt the sense that I need to go on THIS trip, with THESE people...and now look at this...I'm going on THIS trip at a future date! Isn't God creative?! How awesome is that!!!
So, because of this, it looks like the trip is now set for March 27-April 10. So, I'll be in Africa over my Birthday, but seriously, how cool is that?!
Initially I was disappointed as I am just SO looking forward to this trip, but now, as I think about it, this can only benefit us! We'll have more time to raise funds and prepare our hearts, minds and spirits for what the Lord is going to do with us.
What is so interesting to me is that originally I had decided against going to Uganda, back in May. My leader (Ray) had said, come to a meeting and bring the application and if we're interested in future dates, just write that on top of the that's exactly what I did. I wrote "INTERESTED IN FUTURE DATES" on the top of my completed application. Then, throughout the meeting, I felt the sense that I need to go on THIS trip, with THESE people...and now look at this...I'm going on THIS trip at a future date! Isn't God creative?! How awesome is that!!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Happy 4th Birthday to Mikaelyn!

The past 4 years have been amazing, difficult, wonderful, frustrating, incredible and life changing. Each day has it's new trials and tribulations but I can not even begin to express my love for this little girl that is everything I never knew I wanted!
As a little girl I told my Mother that I would NEVER have kids...never wanted them, and would never have them! After I found out I was pregnant, everything changed and all it took was to hear this little angel's heartbeat when she was still in my belly. It was as if, at that very moment, the Lord cleared my head and told me that this was my purpose in be this little girl's ever lovin' mother (as my Mom and I say sometimes).
Today, Mikaelyn woke up and was SO excited for it to be her Birthday, finally! She decided that she wanted to go to work with Mommy (only a 4 year old would want to go to work for their birthday! ha). She's now resting (going on 3 hours) and then we'll all get up and Mama, Daddy & 4 year old will go to dinner together. Mikaelyn & I made a chocolate cake yesterday and in just a bit we're going to mix up the frosting to make it "DARK PINK" (her FAVORITE color). It's going to be a great night!!
Anyway, all this to say, I LOVE my daughter and I feel so honored to be given the opportunity to be her care taker, mentor and best of all, family! I only pray that I can be as good of a mother as my mom was to me. What a true blessing to be a part of Mikaelyn life! I am truly, truly blessed!!!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Party 1 of 3
The Crazy Birthday Girl...well 2 weeks early Birthday Girl! :o)
Christian, Ilona, Mikaelyn, Kaiser & Eva
Chocolate cupcakes with "dark pink" frosting!
My Boober Schmoober & I (That's my nickname for idea where it came from)
We started Mikaelyn's 4th Birthday out 2 weeks early...I know, I know...but, there was good reason. My sister Melissa and her husband Lance, along with their 2 boys (Kaiser 4 1/2 & Christian almost 3) are moving to Eugene, OR this week. Also, My older Brother Jason and his wife Andrea along with their 2 girls (Ilona 6 & Eva almost 4) will be headed to California to see Andrea's parents (and they used to live there for 10 years) during Mikaelyn's REAL Birthday party. I used it as an excuse to get the kids together. They ADORE each other and it's sad that for the last year, all of us have been within 15 minutes of driving time but with the hustle and bustle of life, the kids haven't had too much opportunity to play together. I'm not sure when the next time will be that they will be able to play again, but I wanted to make sure that they had 1 last night. They were amazing together and actually stood up for each other. A 'big girl' was not being nice to Kaiser and between Eva and Mikaelyn, that girl KNEW where she stood in our family! HA! Both of the girls gave her so much attitude, I mean hand on the hip, shaking their pointer finger telling her that they weren't happy that she and her friends were mean to their cousin! Man, I'm telling you...Blood IS thicker than water!
Anyway, these are a few of the pictures I got and can't wait for Mikaelyn's party with everybody else! I really can't believe she's almost's unbelievable!!
Wow! Comments?!
Okay, so last night, I was on a friends blog for the first time. See, I have a few that I read on a "regular" basis and just realizing now how MANY people have blogs. I'm such a novice at this stuff and I went onto this lady's blog (Joy) and it was FABULOUS! There are pictures, and links and all this good stuff and I feel like a total moron having NO CLUE what the heck I'm doing! HA!
Anyway, so I came on my blog today and I was wondering when the last time was that I I went to my posts, I see that I have comments...LOVE IT! Ha Ha! Too funny b/c I honestly didn't think anybody would read my blog and that is super fun for me! So thanks Abbey and Jenni! For those of you that don't know those 2 ladies...we go WAY back...and yet we have only seen each other probably once or twice since we graduated high school. Abbey & I were best friends for many years and my most fond memory of her is in 6th grade I went to her house and we cleaned and cleaned and CLEANED it all out! Obviously, her Mom LOVED me! Lol! Now Abbey's mother-in-law lives in my same complex (6-plex) and yet we still haven't been able to meet each others children...I'm pretty sure we need to make that happen! :o)
As for Jenni...I can't even remember when we met, but we ended up cheering together in High School, were in Choir together and probably got into some trouble together. Now Jenni is a wonderful wife and Mother (little boy & expecting) and works her booty off for the Lord! And, I know all of this from her blog, facebook, myspace, you name it! :o)
Anyway, all of this to say, I think it's cool that people are actually reading this as I have gone through some pretty difficult situations this past month. Your kind words are so appreciated and even more so are your prayers!
So...I guess that's my post for the day. :o) Hopefully someday I'll figure out how to make this thing cool and exciting...but for now, I'll just post what's on my heart and maybe basic is best for me! :o)
To Abbey & Jenni...I think you ladies are fabulous and even through the time, distance and life's complications, I feel proud to call you ladies friends. Friends in the past, present & future. Now LET'S GET TOGETHER AND CATCH UP! :o)
Anyway, so I came on my blog today and I was wondering when the last time was that I I went to my posts, I see that I have comments...LOVE IT! Ha Ha! Too funny b/c I honestly didn't think anybody would read my blog and that is super fun for me! So thanks Abbey and Jenni! For those of you that don't know those 2 ladies...we go WAY back...and yet we have only seen each other probably once or twice since we graduated high school. Abbey & I were best friends for many years and my most fond memory of her is in 6th grade I went to her house and we cleaned and cleaned and CLEANED it all out! Obviously, her Mom LOVED me! Lol! Now Abbey's mother-in-law lives in my same complex (6-plex) and yet we still haven't been able to meet each others children...I'm pretty sure we need to make that happen! :o)
As for Jenni...I can't even remember when we met, but we ended up cheering together in High School, were in Choir together and probably got into some trouble together. Now Jenni is a wonderful wife and Mother (little boy & expecting) and works her booty off for the Lord! And, I know all of this from her blog, facebook, myspace, you name it! :o)
Anyway, all of this to say, I think it's cool that people are actually reading this as I have gone through some pretty difficult situations this past month. Your kind words are so appreciated and even more so are your prayers!
So...I guess that's my post for the day. :o) Hopefully someday I'll figure out how to make this thing cool and exciting...but for now, I'll just post what's on my heart and maybe basic is best for me! :o)
To Abbey & Jenni...I think you ladies are fabulous and even through the time, distance and life's complications, I feel proud to call you ladies friends. Friends in the past, present & future. Now LET'S GET TOGETHER AND CATCH UP! :o)
Friday, August 1, 2008
What a Week...
I'm telling you...this has been one of the most difficult weeks I have had in quite a while. Emotionally I am completely drained!!! Honestly, I can't even put into words the feelings I am having, the emotions that are running through my body other than to say...I know that the Lord gives us stuggles to make us stronger and I know that He is trying to teach me something...but really, I would love to sit face to face with Him right now and ask Him WHY WHY WHY!!!
I'm actually really glad that the month of July is over, it's been such a rollercoaster with everything that has happened in my life, I'm ready to start fresh with August.
For those who haven't yet heard, my Uganda trip has been postponed. Initially, I was very disappointed as not only will I not be in Africa soon, but I will not be able to see my parents for a while. But as I prayed about it and talked to my family, I've realized that this can only benefit not only myself, but our team as far as fundraising goes and preparing our minds, hearts and body's for this journey. We had a meeting last night and I said to my leader, Ray that it's interesting how creative Christ is...when I turned in my application for this Mission trip, I wrote on the top of the application "interested in future dates" as I didn't think I would be able to do the September/October that meeting progressed, I really felt that the Lord was telling me to go on THIS trip...well, here we are and THIS trip is going at a "future date"...isn't that cool?!?! I think it is! :o)
So, it looks like it will be the end of January and I can hardly wait! I'm working on ideas for fundraising for our team and look forward to getting to know everybody on our team better through this experience!
On top of that, work has been busy (which is a blessing in Real Estate) and I'm busy trying to get my mind organized for Mikaelyn's birthday coming up in just a little over 2 weeks. Anthony and I are faithfully working with Mikaelyn on her attitude and adjusting our disciplining and reactions to this little firecracker of a lady's behavior. 3 has been a challenging year, but all in all, Mikaelyn is such a gem and I am so proud of her strong will and outgoing attitude...I'm definitely a proud mother.
As far as me...I'm dealing with quite a bit internally...a lot of thinking about where I am personally, where I want to be in my relationships and how it is that I can better myself and help to better those around me. It's a daily struggle within my heart to figure out where I should be as opposed to where I WANT to I ask for your prayer that the Lord would cover me with His protection and Love as I struggle to figure out why some things happen to good people.
So, here's to the weekend...celebrating one of my best friend's, Liz's birthday tomorrow evening and then Church on Sunday and possibly an open house on Sunday afternoon! Seafair weekend is here and I'm thankful that I will be AT HOME or at the least, away from the traffic!! :o)
Much love...
I'm actually really glad that the month of July is over, it's been such a rollercoaster with everything that has happened in my life, I'm ready to start fresh with August.
For those who haven't yet heard, my Uganda trip has been postponed. Initially, I was very disappointed as not only will I not be in Africa soon, but I will not be able to see my parents for a while. But as I prayed about it and talked to my family, I've realized that this can only benefit not only myself, but our team as far as fundraising goes and preparing our minds, hearts and body's for this journey. We had a meeting last night and I said to my leader, Ray that it's interesting how creative Christ is...when I turned in my application for this Mission trip, I wrote on the top of the application "interested in future dates" as I didn't think I would be able to do the September/October that meeting progressed, I really felt that the Lord was telling me to go on THIS trip...well, here we are and THIS trip is going at a "future date"...isn't that cool?!?! I think it is! :o)
So, it looks like it will be the end of January and I can hardly wait! I'm working on ideas for fundraising for our team and look forward to getting to know everybody on our team better through this experience!
On top of that, work has been busy (which is a blessing in Real Estate) and I'm busy trying to get my mind organized for Mikaelyn's birthday coming up in just a little over 2 weeks. Anthony and I are faithfully working with Mikaelyn on her attitude and adjusting our disciplining and reactions to this little firecracker of a lady's behavior. 3 has been a challenging year, but all in all, Mikaelyn is such a gem and I am so proud of her strong will and outgoing attitude...I'm definitely a proud mother.
As far as me...I'm dealing with quite a bit internally...a lot of thinking about where I am personally, where I want to be in my relationships and how it is that I can better myself and help to better those around me. It's a daily struggle within my heart to figure out where I should be as opposed to where I WANT to I ask for your prayer that the Lord would cover me with His protection and Love as I struggle to figure out why some things happen to good people.
So, here's to the weekend...celebrating one of my best friend's, Liz's birthday tomorrow evening and then Church on Sunday and possibly an open house on Sunday afternoon! Seafair weekend is here and I'm thankful that I will be AT HOME or at the least, away from the traffic!! :o)
Much love...
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