My friend Curtis & I, the last time I saw him...
So, this is the first time I have ever really had a "blog". I've had a Myspace page and now Facebook for quite some time, but now with the things that are going on in my life and the things coming up, I felt it may be a good idea to keep others informed.
So, let's start with the GOOD...
I have been given the opportunity to go to Uganda in the Fall. I'll be traveling with approximately 12 others from Westminster Chapel (my church of now 24 years) and I can hardly wait! I have been busy writing up my support letters and getting everything all set for this wonderful Mission Trip and every day I'm getting more and more excited. I will definitely be posting more about this in the near future and hope to keep it as up to date as possible so that everybody can follow along with me on this incredible journey!
And now, for the bad...
As some have heard, a friend of mine, Curtis Hall was lost on the Snoqualmie River on Monday June 30th at approximately 6pm. For whatever reason, Curtis went innertubing with 3 other guys on that beautiful day and unfortunately the innertube flipped. The other 3 were able to make it to shore, but they could only watch as Curtis was taken under and disappeared. None of them were wearing life jackets (Mistake #1) and the river is treacherous right now. The weather here has been so crazy that the river is rushing so quickly with the ice water that is coming off of the mountain. This has been such a difficult week as this is one of my deepest fears of losing someone, but not even knowing 100% since he is just 'missing'. He is presumed drown and it is a recovery effort now, as they are still searching, but I can't believe it until they have actually found him.
Curtis was a great guy whom I have known for about 10 years. We were much closer many years ago, but I feel lucky that I was able to see him not too long ago and actually got some pictures with him that I cherish.
With these things in mind, I am taking steps to ensure that if for some reason, anything was to happen to me that Mikaelyn will still be taken care of. It's a morbid thought, but as a mother, you have to think long term and always putting others interests as a priority.
So, that's it for now...I know there will be much more to come! I look forward to sharing my life with those of you who are interested enough to read about it! :o)
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