I haven't been able to sit down and write about the recent events only because I feel like if I write it...then it's REALLY true...
But it is time and the reality is what it is!!
So, as you read in my previous post, Curtis' body was found on Sunday, July 13th.
This past Sunday July 20th, he was remembered in what has to be one of the most incredible Memorial Services I have attended. It took place at City Church in Kirkland at 3:30 in the afternoon. It was in the small chapel just outside of the Main sanctuary. If was filled to capacity and more. People lining the side of the chapel to pay their respects. People were able to share their memories and although some brought tears, a few brought laughs and fond memories of who Curtis really was and the smile that he had which was just infectious! The Pastor spoke of how Curtis KNEW the Lord and KNEW that He was the only way to get to Heaven...he gave everyone the opportunity to know more about WHO Christ was and WHAT He was all about and from the sound of it, quite a few people lifted their heads in acknowledgment that they either wanted to make that decision or they wanted to know more about this God that Curtis Loved...the ONLY God!! What an AWESOME opportunity to witness to those that were hurting!! The people that came were so diverse in so many ways and I believe that if there were another man up there speaking, who KNEW about the people in the room, or their lifestyles etc. that they may have held back with the "God" aspect, or been too cautious and this Pastor, Pastor Aaron Haskins, didn't hold back AT ALL!! He told it like it is, that if you don't know Jesus, and you don't give your heart to him as your Savior, you WILL NOT go to Heaven!! It's harsh, but it is the TRUTH!!! It was incredibly moving!!
Then there was a slideshow tribute which was absolutely perfect. There was a picture of Curtis and I, that honestly, I look at every day, but to see it in his "Memorial Tribute Slideshow", it made me weep like I have not done for quite some time. There was a beautiful picture of Anthony and Curtis as well and I was so thankful that at least he was able to be in the slideshow even though he couldn't be at the service. Anthony is dealing with this loss in his own personal way and maybe I don't quite understand it, but I know that he feels the loss and is dealing with it the only way he knows how.
During the slideshow, Curtis' 2 daughters, Kirsten (16) and Sidney (12) wept audibly which of course just broke my heart!! What I found out after the service was that nobody informed either of his daughters, their mothers or anybody in his family that he was even missing...they knew NOTHING until Sunday evening July 13th, when they got the call that he had been missing, was now found, but had not survived. I question how I feel about this...should his daughters have known? Would it have helped the incredible BLOW to them that their Father had died? Or was it better that they not have to go through the pain & confusion of knowing that he was missing? His 16 year old daughter is pregnant, due in October with a little boy...I didn't realize this until the reception, so not only did Curtis leave behind an incredible large family, a son (18 - in Mississippi) and these 2 beautiful daughters, but he was about to be a Grandfather at 36...it's just TRAGIC!!! Completely Tragic!! As she sat at the reception, she said that she couldn't think of boys names and then out of the blue said, "well, maybe I'll name him Curtis". How sweet...
I have fond, wonderful memories of Curtis that I will cherish always...and honestly, I am still reeling with the emotions of the fact that he is gone, that I will never again see him on this earth. But, I do find peace and strength in knowing that I will see him in Heaven and what a great time it will be to hang out with him again in paradise! :o)
As for the rest of my weekend, it was a rollercoaster of emotion as Saturday evening I celebrated my old roommate and friend, Alexis and Simon's wedding. It was such a unique ceremony and a great time to just hang out with old friends. (see photos above)
So, from the highest high to the lowest low, it was quite the weekend and I am still paying for it after having some sort of flu bug or something the last few days...and dealing with an almost 4 year old that missed her Mommy since I was basically gone all weekend. It was nice to take the day off yesterday, even if I was sick, laying in bed...I got to spend it with Mikaelyn and I think both of us enjoyed that!
Thank you to all of you that prayed for Curtis while he was missing and your continued prayers for those that were touched by his life and are mourning the loss. I am so appreciative for your kind words, and your prayers!
To Curtis, you are missed by so many, but I know that you are happier now than ever and in that knowledge, I smile that you are with our Lord!!