Friday, August 6, 2010

Greetings from Gulu!!

Greetings from Gulu, Uganda!!

It has been a week since I have been in Gulu now & I wanted to get out a quick hello to all of my friends & family!

It is hard for me to even begin to put my experience into words to tell you, but in short, my time here has been absolutely, 100%, totally & completely WONDERFUL & AMAZING!!!!

I arrived in Gulu on Thursday, July 29th. I spent the first night in a hotel in town as the Mama’s at the orphanage needed a bit more time to prepare for my arrival. On Friday morning, I went to the school that 98% of the children attend and greeted all of the classrooms before I arrived at Home of Love Orphanage.

From the first minute that I arrived at Home of Love, I felt at home, at peace & a happiness that can only be experienced when you feel that your heart is complete. The children have warmed up to me far quicker than I thought, I have adjusted to my surroundings better than I anticipated and over all, my time here has been one of the happiest weeks I have ever had in my entire life!

When I came here, I “thought” I would have electricity…I was incorrect in this thought. :) I’m living with no running water, no electricity, taking bucket baths (with COLD water from the bore hole), waking up to cockroaches, dead lizards in the water barrel & flying fruit bats, squeaking animals waking me up in the middle of the night and loving it all!! The Mama’s & Auntie’s (the adults that run Home of Love) have taken me in as their daughter, the children have welcomed me as their sister/Auntie. I truly cannot express my full heart and love I feel for these children!!

As many of you remember from my last trip, I was able to connect with a girl named Sarah at Home of Love that I had been praying for, for a year before I arrived in Gulu. Sarah has been praying for me and drawing pictures for me over the last year, she has been my closest little friend and such a true gem that the Lord has put on this earth. Our bond has grown stronger and developed into a true friendship that I cherish deeply. We eat dinner together every night, she makes sure I have everything I need, she helps translate for me & makes me laugh unlike anybody else.

I could go on & on about my love for the children here, for the joy I feel and the happiness I feel, but I will leave you with this thought...It is because of all of YOU that I am able to be here. It is because of YOU that I am feeling this intense sense of strength, joy & love. I am humbled by your love & support for myself and Mikaelyn. I truly could not have done this without all of your support…it means more to me than I could ever express.

Please continue to pray for me as I have only 1 more week with my children (I’ve been told not to call them kids, as I would be calling them baby goats :)), please pray for my health and safety and that the Lord will continue to fill my heart and allow me to give everything I have for these wonderful little ones that deserve the world!! Please also pray for the children and staff at Home of Love as we have several that are suffering from Malaria at this time. It is the start of the rainy season, so the mosquito’s are very bad at this time.

Thank you again for all that you have given to me, for your support, your love & your continued prayers! Again, I am humbled by your graciousness!

Sending love & big hugs to all!!
Sarah Jean

PS – I was able to Skype with Mikaelyn on Tuesday and she is doing very well with my parents. Mikaelyn, thank you for being such a good girl!! Mama is SO proud of you & I can’t wait to see you & tell you all about our Ugandan friends!! They love you & pray for you every single day!! Mom & Daddy, thank you for giving of yourselves so unselfishly & loving Mikaelyn with such great care!! I love you & miss you!! Bugaboo…Je t’aime!! xoxo