Oh my goodness, I haven't seen a winter like this in...well, I don't know how long, a LONG time! The snow is continuing to fall like crazy and as I lay in my cozy bed, I'm looking out the window at all the dumb drivers thinking they can do anything going down our hill until they slip and slide...ughh!
I got out of the house yesterday and did a bit of shopping at the grocery store, pet store and Costco and again today to Fred Meyer to get Mikaelyn a warmer snow jacket, some boots for me and a few presents...who knows when this is going to let up for me to actually be able to Christmas shop.
Anthony really wanted to get out and do some shopping, so I sent him to Toys R Us and the mall to get some things for Mikaelyn. I went online and printed out the specifics for him to make it "easier"...so hopefully he'll be able to find everything...maybe he'll pick something up for me too?! LOL! Here's hopin'!
Anyway, I hope you are all staying warm and cozy.
I take this moment to reflect on all the things that I am so thankful for. Top of my list right now, a roof over my head with plenty of warm heat inside! God is good and I am so thankful for all the many things that I have!
A brief look into my life as a Mother, a friend and a companion
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Cancelled...well, Postponed
I got an email and then a call this morning to let me know that the Dessert theater that I am in has been postponed due to snow. They're hoping for next weekend, but we have to make sure that all the cast can be there...
I'm disappointed, but also understanding. I was so ready for this production to be over so that I could get Mikaelyn and myself back on a normal schedule, but oh well, the Lord has other plans.
Anyway, once I get confirmation, I'll update with the actual dates and times now.
For those of you with snow, be safe and have a little fun! Have a warm and great weekend!
I'm disappointed, but also understanding. I was so ready for this production to be over so that I could get Mikaelyn and myself back on a normal schedule, but oh well, the Lord has other plans.
Anyway, once I get confirmation, I'll update with the actual dates and times now.
For those of you with snow, be safe and have a little fun! Have a warm and great weekend!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Lots of Cancellations due to snow...
So, as I'm sure you've seen, there is quite a bit of snow outside the windows in the Seattle area. Now for those of you in the mid-west or east coast, you may think, oh those Seattlites, they're just wimps...well, I'm pretty sure you don't have the hills that we have here which make the cities completely shut down because it's just too difficult (not to mention dangerous) to go anywhere.
The snow on the roads has cleared enough for most SUV's to get around (including Anthony's, he made it to work tonight), but it's supposed to freeze tonight and with the compacted snow now turning to ice, the roads could be treacherous!
We were all told that yesterday (Wednesday) was going to be the "day of snow", so my rehearsal was cancelled just in case...which of course, we didn't get ANYTHING! Some of the cities up north or down south got a bit, but none in my immediate area. So, then today, I wake up with a few inches of snow and it snowed all day, literally. So, they cancelled rehearsal again today, which was to be our "Dress Rehearsal"!! If you have ever acted or sang (or attempted either), you know how important the dress rehearsal can be...with the light and mics all ready to go one last time...yeah, we don't get that!
So, we're supposed to be at the church by 4pm tomorrow (only 1 hour after Mikaelyn gets off school...which means no nap), to run through everything once and then the performance starts at 7pm. I am not really "freaking out", but this is making me very nervous. I'm not only worried about the actual performance, but the fact that due to the weather, it may be difficult to drive, I wonder what our audience will be like. We have worked so hard on this play and I know I will just be so sad if the crowds just don't come due to the weather.
I know the Lord has all of this in his hands and it is certainly not in mine, but I just felt the need to share and maybe if you're reading this, you could say a little prayer for us. Not only for a good performance, but that we (me specifically) will give all 4 performances (Lord willing we'll be able to do all 4) over the the Lord to do with us what He needs! We have the opportunity to reach out to so many people...we just need to get them there!
Keep me in your prayers the next few days!! Finding Bethlehem...here I come!
The snow on the roads has cleared enough for most SUV's to get around (including Anthony's, he made it to work tonight), but it's supposed to freeze tonight and with the compacted snow now turning to ice, the roads could be treacherous!
We were all told that yesterday (Wednesday) was going to be the "day of snow", so my rehearsal was cancelled just in case...which of course, we didn't get ANYTHING! Some of the cities up north or down south got a bit, but none in my immediate area. So, then today, I wake up with a few inches of snow and it snowed all day, literally. So, they cancelled rehearsal again today, which was to be our "Dress Rehearsal"!! If you have ever acted or sang (or attempted either), you know how important the dress rehearsal can be...with the light and mics all ready to go one last time...yeah, we don't get that!
So, we're supposed to be at the church by 4pm tomorrow (only 1 hour after Mikaelyn gets off school...which means no nap), to run through everything once and then the performance starts at 7pm. I am not really "freaking out", but this is making me very nervous. I'm not only worried about the actual performance, but the fact that due to the weather, it may be difficult to drive, I wonder what our audience will be like. We have worked so hard on this play and I know I will just be so sad if the crowds just don't come due to the weather.
I know the Lord has all of this in his hands and it is certainly not in mine, but I just felt the need to share and maybe if you're reading this, you could say a little prayer for us. Not only for a good performance, but that we (me specifically) will give all 4 performances (Lord willing we'll be able to do all 4) over the the Lord to do with us what He needs! We have the opportunity to reach out to so many people...we just need to get them there!
Keep me in your prayers the next few days!! Finding Bethlehem...here I come!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Christmas Pictures
I just wanted to share some of our Christmas pictures. My friend Rachelle (http://www.elleboudoir.com/) took these while she was in town and other than dealing with Mikaelyn having a bit of an attitude because it was so cold and she was tired...they really turned out great! Thank you Rachelle!

Friday, December 12, 2008
Just a Reminder...Finding Bethlehem
I thought I would put up again when the dates of my Dessert Theater, Finding Bethlehem, are in case anybody is interested in going.
It's a wonderful play based in Arizona. It's a sweet story of finding the true meaning of Christmas with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. It's really going to be good!
If you're interested in coming, you can purchase tickets ($10 per person) on the church's website www.westminster.org or call me and I can pick some up for you (206) 962-1114.
Friday, December 19 @ 7pm
Saturday, December 20 @ 7pm
Sunday, December 21 @ 3pm
Sunday, December 21 @ 7pm
Location: Westminster Chapel
13646 NE 24th Street
Bellevue, WA 98005
Would love to see you there! Happy Holidays!
It's a wonderful play based in Arizona. It's a sweet story of finding the true meaning of Christmas with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. It's really going to be good!
If you're interested in coming, you can purchase tickets ($10 per person) on the church's website www.westminster.org or call me and I can pick some up for you (206) 962-1114.
Friday, December 19 @ 7pm
Saturday, December 20 @ 7pm
Sunday, December 21 @ 3pm
Sunday, December 21 @ 7pm
Location: Westminster Chapel
13646 NE 24th Street
Bellevue, WA 98005
Would love to see you there! Happy Holidays!
Busy, Busy...I need a vacation!
I am finding myself having SUCH a difficult time getting out of bed each morning...I'm SO tired!
With rehearsals 3 times this week, on top of Mikaelyn's Dance class, a Uganda meeting, another concert at church, not to mention work and basic busy body things that I try to do at home, I am TIRED!
Rehearsal went really well last night. My song is really coming along and I sat and watched the other scenes of the play and really got a good look at the entire play...it's really good! I didn't realize though, that we have rehearsal Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday next week starting at 6 until 9ish, then performance Friday, Saturday and 2 on Sunday...OUCH! It's all well worth it and I'm SO excited about it, but I will be so glad when it's over and I can SLEEP!
Mikaelyn has really been a trooper through it all, for the most part. One of the girls in the play has a 10-11 year old sister and Mikaelyn and her play or watch a movie every night while we're rehearsing. Her Mom was one of my leaders when I was in Middle School and so it's been fun to re-connect with her and get to know her beautiful and sweet daughters. Mikaelyn loves them and really enjoys playing with the big girls...so it's worked out ok for her.
However, seeing that she's getting to be around 10pm with NO nap because of school...she gets overly tired and then can't fall asleep and becomes VERY dramatic...so any energy I have left after the long days are completely drained by the random and weird things that Mikaelyn has been saying...I mean, VERY dramatic, sad things...I don't really know what to do, other then do my best to get her home and in bed as early as possible. She was still asleep this morning at 9:15 (which is very late for her)...so it proves she is tired.
Hopefully we can catch up on some of the sleep before next week when we're packed full of stuff...I suppose we'll see.
Keep us in your prayers though, my biggest prayer is that being so tired, neither of us will get sick...we're just finishing up getting over pneumonia, I can't take anything else! :o(
With rehearsals 3 times this week, on top of Mikaelyn's Dance class, a Uganda meeting, another concert at church, not to mention work and basic busy body things that I try to do at home, I am TIRED!
Rehearsal went really well last night. My song is really coming along and I sat and watched the other scenes of the play and really got a good look at the entire play...it's really good! I didn't realize though, that we have rehearsal Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday next week starting at 6 until 9ish, then performance Friday, Saturday and 2 on Sunday...OUCH! It's all well worth it and I'm SO excited about it, but I will be so glad when it's over and I can SLEEP!
Mikaelyn has really been a trooper through it all, for the most part. One of the girls in the play has a 10-11 year old sister and Mikaelyn and her play or watch a movie every night while we're rehearsing. Her Mom was one of my leaders when I was in Middle School and so it's been fun to re-connect with her and get to know her beautiful and sweet daughters. Mikaelyn loves them and really enjoys playing with the big girls...so it's worked out ok for her.
However, seeing that she's getting to be around 10pm with NO nap because of school...she gets overly tired and then can't fall asleep and becomes VERY dramatic...so any energy I have left after the long days are completely drained by the random and weird things that Mikaelyn has been saying...I mean, VERY dramatic, sad things...I don't really know what to do, other then do my best to get her home and in bed as early as possible. She was still asleep this morning at 9:15 (which is very late for her)...so it proves she is tired.
Hopefully we can catch up on some of the sleep before next week when we're packed full of stuff...I suppose we'll see.
Keep us in your prayers though, my biggest prayer is that being so tired, neither of us will get sick...we're just finishing up getting over pneumonia, I can't take anything else! :o(
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
God is Good...no, GOD IS GREAT!
On Monday, we had a Uganda meeting with the people of Action International that we will be working with there. They are here on furlough and took time out to meet with us and give us a better look at what we will be doing while in Uganda (March 27-April 11, 2009).
The 8 people that were at the meeting (missing Ray our leader as he was in Jerusalem...yeah, cool, I know!) all went around and told a bit of why we were going on this specific mission trip. As I was listening to all the short stories of how each of us has come to the decision to be a part of this incredible journey, it was SO clear that the Lord has had His hand over our team and indiviually picked each of us to go on this trip, at this time to this place...it is absolutely AMAZING!
I knew that the Lord was so creative in His way of showing me that Uganda was the place that I wanted to experience His glory, but to hear it in everybody else's story as well just made me realize the wonder of our Lord...He is so good and so faithful it brings tears to my eyes.
While we are there, we have a pretty full schedule and each of us was asked to take the "Lead" in a specific area for a specific day. I chose to take the Lead when we go to Awach which is to the Child Mother's Village. Ever since I realized who these women (young ladies) were, I felt an intense pull to work with them. These girls need to learn how to love their child and the ability to feel love through all of the torture that goes on in their minds and hearts due to the terrible things that have happened to them in the past. I can not even begin to grasp what these girls have gone through, but I only pray that the Lord can use me in a way that will help to comfort them and bring some joy to them through Christ's everlasting love. It is not ME that will be giving them anything, but Christ THROUGH me.
I am beyond excited about this incredible opportunity that the Lord has put in front of me and I can only pray that He will continue to prepare my heart and those of the people that we will be there to reach out to, to do His work in us and through us. He is a Might God and I am humbled by the mere thought of what He is capable of doing.
Please pray for myself and my team as we continue to prepare for this journey. Not only are we needing to raise funds, but we need prayers more than anything.
My personal prayer is that I will be able to find an individual prayer partner that will not only pray for me during my trip, but that will begin a prayer relationship with me as I prepare for this, while I'm there and after. I know the Lord has someone special in mind of me and I hope He will put that person in front of me so I know His will.
God is good...no, GOD IS GREAT!!!
The 8 people that were at the meeting (missing Ray our leader as he was in Jerusalem...yeah, cool, I know!) all went around and told a bit of why we were going on this specific mission trip. As I was listening to all the short stories of how each of us has come to the decision to be a part of this incredible journey, it was SO clear that the Lord has had His hand over our team and indiviually picked each of us to go on this trip, at this time to this place...it is absolutely AMAZING!
I knew that the Lord was so creative in His way of showing me that Uganda was the place that I wanted to experience His glory, but to hear it in everybody else's story as well just made me realize the wonder of our Lord...He is so good and so faithful it brings tears to my eyes.
While we are there, we have a pretty full schedule and each of us was asked to take the "Lead" in a specific area for a specific day. I chose to take the Lead when we go to Awach which is to the Child Mother's Village. Ever since I realized who these women (young ladies) were, I felt an intense pull to work with them. These girls need to learn how to love their child and the ability to feel love through all of the torture that goes on in their minds and hearts due to the terrible things that have happened to them in the past. I can not even begin to grasp what these girls have gone through, but I only pray that the Lord can use me in a way that will help to comfort them and bring some joy to them through Christ's everlasting love. It is not ME that will be giving them anything, but Christ THROUGH me.
I am beyond excited about this incredible opportunity that the Lord has put in front of me and I can only pray that He will continue to prepare my heart and those of the people that we will be there to reach out to, to do His work in us and through us. He is a Might God and I am humbled by the mere thought of what He is capable of doing.
Please pray for myself and my team as we continue to prepare for this journey. Not only are we needing to raise funds, but we need prayers more than anything.
My personal prayer is that I will be able to find an individual prayer partner that will not only pray for me during my trip, but that will begin a prayer relationship with me as I prepare for this, while I'm there and after. I know the Lord has someone special in mind of me and I hope He will put that person in front of me so I know His will.
God is good...no, GOD IS GREAT!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Some Photos of Family
We spent some time with my siblings last Saturday when my sister and her family were able to come up and see us from Eugene, OR. The kids had a lot of fun together...well, most of the time. It's amazing to me how kids can get along with their classmates every day with not one single problem, but as soon as they get with family, which they only see once a month barely, they fight like siblings...it must be in the blood or something?!

Either way, it was great to see all the cousins together. Regardless of their fighting, they love each other and they will defend each other to the bitter end too!
Mikaelyn, Ilona, Kaiser, Christian & Eva
They love eachother!
You try getting 5 kids, 6 years old and under to all smile, pose and be good in a picture!
All the kids walking home from the "park" (aka Ilona's elementary school)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Dessert Theater Dates/Times
I thought I would put the info for my church's Dessert Theater that I am involved in for everybody.
If anybody is interested in coming to see me TRY to sing and act, please send me an email sjgroenink@att.net and I can get you all lined up! It should be a good time, I'm pretty excited about it!
Friday - 12/19 @ 7pm
Saturday - 12/20 @ 7pm
Sunday - 12/21 @ 3pm
Sunday - 12/21 @ 7pm
Location: Westminster Chapel
13646 NE 24th Street
Bellevue, WA 98005
Cost: $10 per person (can purchase a table of 8 or 10 people)
I know it's a really busy time of the year for everybody, and I appreciate your support in this! It's called Finding Bethlehem and it's a really sweet story (based around my character...that's just to prove how cool I am! LOL! Kidding). I'm also singing a song by Josh Groban (no, I won't sound like him, but it's a cool song).
Hope you can make it!! Merry Early Christmas!
If anybody is interested in coming to see me TRY to sing and act, please send me an email sjgroenink@att.net and I can get you all lined up! It should be a good time, I'm pretty excited about it!
Friday - 12/19 @ 7pm
Saturday - 12/20 @ 7pm
Sunday - 12/21 @ 3pm
Sunday - 12/21 @ 7pm
Location: Westminster Chapel
13646 NE 24th Street
Bellevue, WA 98005
Cost: $10 per person (can purchase a table of 8 or 10 people)
I know it's a really busy time of the year for everybody, and I appreciate your support in this! It's called Finding Bethlehem and it's a really sweet story (based around my character...that's just to prove how cool I am! LOL! Kidding). I'm also singing a song by Josh Groban (no, I won't sound like him, but it's a cool song).
Hope you can make it!! Merry Early Christmas!
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