Friday, November 28, 2008

I am so thankful

Well, a day late, but none-the-less, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
Yesterday ended up being such a wonderful day. I spent the morning sleeping in (a little too long) and then rushing around trying to get everything ready to go to my brother and his family's house. I personally baked 2 pies (apple) from SCRATCH! Yep, crust and all. They didn't look great, but they tasted good, which is what really matters. Thanks Mom for the recipe...practice makes perfect, so some day I'll have to practice again! :o)
Mikaelyn and I went to my brother Jason and his wife Andrea's house for lunch/dinner (3pm). They just purchased a house this summer and are in the midst of doing a pretty major remodel, so it is always fun to go over there and see what Andrea has done with the place. She has an interior design background and is absolutely the most creative, incredible, stylish woman I know! Some day when I have the $$, I'm going to hire her to re-do my house...when I have a house to re-do! :o) Anyway, Mikaelyn and her 2 cousins Ilona (6 1/2) and Eva (4) played down in the play room while we all got dinner ready. When I say "play" I mean, fight like sisters/cousins, tattle a lot, but still love each other like crazy. They really do have a lot of fun, even though we have to get after them all quite a bit.
My younger brother Tyler drove over from Wenatchee to join us along with a girl from Jason's church. We had just about every dish you could think of...and it was FABULOUS!
I have to say though, I think the best part of the day was being able to talk to my big brother about life...the trials, the joys, and what my future holds. Jason is one of the most non-judgemental, considerate and intelligent men I know (just below my Daddy and along with my younger brother, Tyler) and it was so great to wash the dishes (they don't have a dishwasher right now) and be able to spend that time discussing Christ and the many things floating around in my head with regard to Christianity, church and Jesus. Jason and Andrea have been through a lot with me and I am so grateful for their unconditional love and support for Mikaelyn and I and I feel so blessed to call them family.
Poor Tyler ended up getting sick before he could taste the pies that I brought, but we all ate some pie and chatted some my mother would say, it was just "sweet, sweet fellowship"! :o)
Mikaelyn and I then drove home, picked up her Daddy and drove around for about an hour looking for a restaurant that was open...all we found was Denny's! LOL! So, we had a little meal at Denny's at 9pm, then called it a night.
It was hard not to have my parents here for Thanksgiving, I miss them like crazy, but I'm glad they were able to be with family as well and I know that if they could have been here, they would have been.
So, I'm thankful most of all for Christ's unconditional and everlasting love for me and my family and I'm thankful for my brother's, sister's, nieces, nephews, parents, child, child's father and my kitty's (& my rabbit, sort of)...not to mention my wonderful friends who keep me going each and every day.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and feel as truly blessed as I do!
Now...on to the Christmas season...I don't think I'm ready yet!

Monday, November 24, 2008

A little sicker than I thought...

So, you see all the white, outside of the bones?! Yeah, that's called Pneumonia. UGHH!
Yep, Friday night about 7pm, Mikaelyn was feeling awfully warm, so I took her temp again (she had been running a fever since Wednesday and it had spiked to 103.5 on Thursday night) and it was 104.8...FREAK OUT TIME!!! I called everybody I could think of to try to figure out what to do and NOBODY was around, so I just decided to pack up and go to the ER.
Long story short, after 5 hours, x-rays, vomiting b/c her fever was so high and a shot in both of her legs (at the same time, at the end of the night), we finally got the results that she had pneumonia and it was a good thing that I brought her in when I did b/c she would have just gotten worse.
We finally got home at midnight, she was still crying, still running a fever, but fell asleep pretty quickly, at least for an hour or so. She was up off and on all night, poor girl. Her fever finally left after her nap on Saturday and has not come back (and hopefully will not come back). She is still coughing but for the most part feeling a TON better!
On top of all of this, I have been under the weather as well, so being in the ER just made it worse and the stress of all of this has been a bit dampening on the healing process, but I'll be better soon and I am just SO thankful that Mikaelyn is getting better fairly quickly.
This is the 2nd time she has had pneumonia. I don't know what it is, but it's not fun. To watch my little girl feeling THAT rotten, it's unlike any feeling I can even express.
Praise the Lord she got through that night and I'm just still praying that she will continue to get healthy quickly.
At least she had something cool to bring in for sharing time at Montessori preschool! :o) The x-rays were a HIT!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Two Sick Ladies

Mikaelyn & I are both home tonight SICK! :o( Low grade temps, but we feel like...well, you know what I mean.
I think we both caught it from our little friend Anna who was just getting it last Friday and then ended up having a fever on Sunday...makes sense, poor little girl, and now poor us!
Anyway, Daddy just left for work and so it's just us to sick-o's all night. I'm praying this will stay as low grade and not escalate...I can't miss work and Mikaelyn has school tomorrow.
We'll be heading to bed early and just lounging until then! Luckily Daddy bought her 2 new DVD's yesterday (Tinkerbell & Wall-E). I think we should be set...but my THROAT HURTS & poor girl can't stop coughing. I HATE BEING SICK!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Last night about 2am, I heard Anthony come in yelling loudly that SOPHIE WAS HOME!! Our little kitty who had been "missing" since Halloween (yes that's 2 full weeks) had finally returned.
She is so skinny she looks like a kitty skeleton, but other than that seems to be healthy! She went straight to the food and ate for about 30 minutes...I thought she was going to get sick b/c she hadn't eaten for so long, she was stuffing herself...but she did fine. She has been non-stop purring since she got home and just wants to be touching me, Anthony or Mikaelyn!
Mikaelyn was SO ecstatic when she woke up and found Sophie sleeping next to my face, it was so sweet.
We feel like the home is complete now with our 2 remaining kitty's (and the rabbit out back) and we are SO happy she is home. Needless to say, she won't be going outside anytime in the near future! And ESPECIALLY when the mean old neighbor cat is out...Grrrr!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Upcoming Event

So, just a quick note to tell everyone that I have taking a roll in my church's (Westminster Chapel) Dessert Theater December 19, 20 & 21!
It's an original script about Christmas. I'm really excited about this opportunity, but have not done any "acting" since I was quite a bit younger! Running lines, memorizing lines, getting costumes together, it's all like a new experience since it's been so long.
What's cool about it is the director/producer is my elementary school choir leader. The children's choir (grades 1-5) used to put on 2 musicals a year and I was in every one of them with her as my it make is much more comfortable for me.
I'll keep you all updated, but just wanted to let you know the good/fun news! Can't believe the "Holiday" season is really upon us!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

3 gone & only 1 left?!

So, in my previous posts I was searching for a new home for some of my kitties...although those posts didn't lead to a new home, I have however found a new place for 2 of my girls.
I had been in talks with an organization called Homeward Pet Adoption in Woodinville. They are so packed full of kitties right now, it's actually very sad. Every place I called was just too full and couldn't take any more. Thank goodness they are "no kill" rescue organizations, or those poor cats would be in big trouble!
Anyway, Homeward was unable to take the cats, but it just so happened that the day that I emailed to follow up with them (this had been going on for about a month), a lady had called looking for 2 bonded cats...which is exactly what I had! So, the lady emailed me and that was that!
A few days later Mikaelyn and I went to drop off our babies, Capri & Chloe. Capri has been with me since Anthony's Birthday in 2002 and Chloe has been with me since just after my parents left in July 2006. The two of them get along so well and my greatest wish was that they could stay together...I wouldn't feel so badly having to let them go.
Anyway, the lady and her 16 year old daughter live in Fall City (it was quite the drive) on 8.6 acres with a beautiful 3 stall barn with 3 horses. The barn has a heated, carpeted tack room which is where Chloe and Capri will live. In the winter when it's chilly, they'll stay in the tack room, but as they get comfortable and used to their surroundings, they'll let them roam the barn and then eventually the grounds if they so desire.
So, Friday was a crazy busy day...Work and then a meeting while Mikaelyn had school. We came home to get everything ready for the cats, i.e. medical records, cat tree, cutting their nails etc. We then loaded everything up, including the cats and went to Mikaelyn's pizza party at Round Table Pizza for her preschool. The cats were VERY stressed out...Chloe was hissing like crazy, which she NEVER does and just freaking out.
So, by the time we were done with the party and started driving to Fall City, Chloe was a mess, just so nervous and stressed, the poor baby. When we got to their new home, and set them down in the room, Chloe literally hissed and groaned for about an hour...she started calming down a little bit and wanting to be pet and loved on, but she was NOT a happy camper. This is fairly normal for stressed out animals, they tend to react a little crazy, but still, I felt bad after telling these ladies how sweet the two of them were and how much they love each other and now any time Chloe saw Capri she'd hiss and jump at her, leaving Capri huddled in the corner...ughh!
Anyway, we finally decided it was time to just let them hash it out and Mikaelyn and I needed to head home. Mikaelyn started crying b/c she didn't understand why OUR cats were not coming home with us. Although we had discussed this situation for some time, actually leaving them was a very different story.
On the drive home, I lost it and just felt so badly that I had to give them up...but we know that they are in a good home and as soon as they calm down, they will be very happy. The family bought them toys and treats and warm beds, so they'll be just fine.
On top of surrendering these two, our other cat, Sophie has now been missing since Halloween...yep that's about 10 days now. The neighbor cat chased her away on Halloween and I haven't seen her since. She has done this a few times before, but this is the longest she has been gone and the weather here has been VERY we're pretty worried about her. Mikaelyn keeps praying that Jesus will keep her warm and safe and to tell her that we love's very sweet, and very sad at the same time.
So now, after having 4 cats, we're down to 1 (in hopes that Sophie will still return home). It's very quiet in the house, although Asha our lone ranger is definitely still "kitten like", she doesn't have any sisters to pounce on.
So we'll see...we're still praying Sophie comes home, but if not, then we'll probably rescue a kitten in the future...I like to have 2. I feel it's important for the cats to have a play mate, I've always been like that. But for now, we're just loving on Asha, Praying for Sophie and missing Capri & Chloe. I feel like a bit of our family is missing, and that's kind of sad!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween 2008

We had a pretty fun Halloween. We went to Bellevue Square to do some Trick or Treating, which could have been better seeing as Mikaelyn was tired and CRANKY, but it was fun none-the-less.
I was fortunate enough to be able to find a sitter for a bit on Halloween night before Anthony came home and got to go out with my friend Heather for a bit. All in all it was a fun night, but I'm glad it's over! :o)

Mikaelyn and her friend Asa

Mikaelyn doing her Daddy's pose...the *wink*

Miyoko (Asa's Mom), Me & Mikaelyn...Obviously Mikaelyn was tired...

Fairy SJ :o)

Me and my wonderful friend Heather


So, as you all know (or SHOULD know), Barack Obama was elected the 44th President last night!!! WOO HOO!!! I am BEYOND thrilled by these events and look forward to these next 4 years watching our nation change for the better!

Last night Anthony went out with some guys to watch the election stuff unfold while Mikaelyn and I went to dance class and then went on a date to Cafe Veloce, our favorite restaurant. Our eyes were glued to the TV at the restaurant, but still enjoyed our time and our noodles! YUM!

When we got home, we realized that he had just gone past 270 and was now our President Elect. Anthony called and we got all excited, but hung up before Mikaelyn had a chance to chime she called him back and said..."HE WON DADDY! BARACK OBAMA WON!!!" Yes, my daughter knows who he is, who Michelle is and of course who his daughters are...she is VERY happy! :o)

Anyway, as I was watching Obama's speach and watching his family walk out on stage, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride and tears of joy started streaming down my face. I started thinking about what just happened, about the history that was just made...AMAZING! I feel like because of that very moment, my daughter who is mixed race will forever know that ANYTHING is possible! If you educate yourself, you work hard and treat people right, you can do anything and be anything that you desire! Barack Obama proved that beyond a shadow of doubt last night. It doesn't matter what your race is, or even your hard for what you want and the Lord will bless you!

I am one happy Mama today, for more reasons than one. Barack Obama's win is amazing, but what he proved to every minority is a bigger victory and I for one am proud to be an American!!